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Cover image for AzureFunBytes Episode 69 - What's New In @AzureStaticApps with @simona_cotin and @nthonyChu
Jay Gordon for Microsoft Azure

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AzureFunBytes Episode 69 - What's New In @AzureStaticApps with @simona_cotin and @nthonyChu

AzureFunBytes is a weekly opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals and foundations that make up Azure. It's a chance for me to understand more about what people across the Azure organization do and how they do it. Every week we get together at 11 AM Pacific on Microsoft LearnTV and learn more about Azure.

AzureFunBytes animation

On this episode of AzureFunBytes, Simona Cotin and Anthony Chu join the show to discuss what's new in Static Web Apps since the last time they were on the show! Azure Static Web Apps allows you to build modern web applications that automatically publish to the web as your code changes. Since we last discussed Azure Static Web Apps with Anthony there's been a number of enhancements to the service we'd really love to share with you.

Key features highlighted on the Azure Static Web Apps documentation on Microsoft Docs include:

  • Web hosting for static content like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.
  • Integrated API support provided by Azure Functions with the option to link an existing Azure Functions app using a standard account.
  • First-class GitHub and Azure DevOps integration where repository changes trigger builds and deployments.
  • Globally distributed static content, putting content closer to your users.
  • Free SSL certificates, which are automatically renewed.
  • Custom domains to provide branded customizations to your app.
  • Seamless security model with a reverse-proxy when calling APIs, which requires no CORS configuration.
  • Authentication provider integrations with Azure Active Directory, GitHub, and Twitter.
  • Customizable authorization role definition and assignments.
  • Back-end routing rules enabling full control over the content and routes you serve.
  • Generated staging versions powered by pull requests enabling preview versions of your site before publishing.

00:00:00 - Opening
00:01:54 - Welcome back everyone
00:03:29 - Let's meet our guests
00:07:29 - How'd you get here, Simona?
00:09:08 - How'd you get here, Anthony?
00:11:33 - Key features of SWA
00:13:23 - Workflow overview
00:19:02 - Enterprise-edge for SWA
00:22:27 - Can I bring my own Front Door?
00:32:11 - What auth providers are available out of the box?
00:39:45 - Custom auth with Anthony
00:49:44 - Functions support in SWA

Our agenda includes:

Learn about Azure fundamentals with me!

Live stream is normally found on Twitch, YouTube, and LearnTV at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET Thursday. You can also find the recordings here as well:

AzureFunBytes on Twitch
AzureFunBytes on YouTube
Azure DevOps YouTube Channel
Follow AzureFunBytes on Twitter

Useful Docs:
Get $200 in free Azure Credit
Microsoft Learn: Introduction to Azure fundamentals
Microsoft Learn: Azure Static Web Apps Learning Path
Microsoft Learn: Publish an Angular, React, Svelte, or Vue JavaScript app with Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Static Web Apps documentation
Accelerate your websites with Azure Static Web Apps enterprise-edge
Tutorial: Publish Azure Static Web Apps with Azure DevOps
Bring your own functions to Azure Static Web Apps
Custom authentication in Azure Static Web Apps
Authentication and authorization for Azure Static Web Apps
Add an API to Azure Static Web Apps with Azure Functions
AzureFunBytes โ€“ Azure Static Web Apps with Anthony Chu!

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