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Michael Tharrington for CodeNewbie

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What you learning about this weekend? 🧠

Heyo y'all!

What's everybody learning on this weekend?

Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice 😉, sprucing up your portfolio, or writing a new post here on DEV, we'd like to hear about it.

Hope ya all learn loads and enjoy your weekend.

An anime cartoon character is writing on papers while sitting at a desk, but wind is blowing up from beneath them fiercely sending the pages flying in the sky and their hair blowing back. It makes it look like their studying super intensely.

Top comments (47)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

C# woo!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Sharpening your C# skills eh? I'm sure no one's ever made that joke before. 😅

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Your the first one to make that joke to me atleast 😂

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anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

You guys are fun 😊

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

We live quite far away, I’d say, but Micheal is an absolutely lovely guy. And I’m sure we would get on but Forum must come to England!

sc0v0ne profile image

Do you have any good references to learn too?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Great question, at the moment I’m unable to take any paid courses so the code academy is probably what I’ll do.

silent_mobius profile image
Alex M. Schapelle

I am learning, about disappointing features of #digitalocean kubernetes monitoring and little it is documented.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Dang! That's unfortunate. I hope you find some good resources.

silent_mobius profile image
Alex M. Schapelle

Official docs are fine, but in case of Kubernetes, some use cases are k8s oriented and are not discussed, thus leading to an dead and OpenAI constantly fakes solutions, so if there is something to be emphasized from my experience:

  • Don't use AI and communicate with official developers more.
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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Well, at least their official docs are good, but still that's a bummer you're not finding what you're needing Kubernetes-wise.

Also, I totally feel you on your takeaway. I could see AI creating a bunch noise in the space when you're trying to look for genuine, human-written documentation. 🙁

At one point in time, DigitalOcean was regularly sharing their blog content on DEV here, but it's been a minute. I see they have a community tutorials section now too (for instance, this post) but you might already be aware of these spots.

The proliferation of AI content sure does make it hard to dig for good stuff these days. It's been a chore to moderate on DEV and we've certainly not cracked the code yet. Good luck finding what ya need out there, Alex!

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silent_mobius profile image
Alex M. Schapelle
sc0v0ne profile image

Digital Ocean Very good.

silent_mobius profile image
Alex M. Schapelle

Indeed they are, but there are a lot of fixes required when it comes to marketplace applications

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sc0v0ne profile image

So the company needs to grow a lot, but what pleases them is the documentation and simplicity of the work area, goes straight to the point. I hope it will be possible to compete with AWS or Google Cloud. Because I wouldn't think twice about switching to Digital Ocean. Something that would bring a lot of customers to them would be to have something for studies, AWS or Google Cloud leaves something to be desired at this point. Because you want to learn their product and it ends up being expensive. Something that MongoDB wins at this point by having this free study environment. But MongoDB, there is not enough service like Digital Ocean that would be a positive point to win.

jason_espin profile image
Jason Espin

Maybe a bit left of field but absolutely nothing. After 13 years in the industry I really feel that our weekends shouldn't be used for learning or work related activities. There should be time made during the working week for that and I'm lucky enough to work in a role that allows a day every 2 weeks for R&D time. Our mental health is just as important a tool as our skillset so I'd suggest sometimes it's healthy (especially if you are starting out in the industry) to use your weekend for something you enjoy that will let you take your mind off work.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Nice! That sounds like a really healthy outlook, Jason. I absolutely agree that it's important to get some good downtime in.

To be honest, I wouldn't typically be logged on here, but I'm working a weekend Support Shift — happens once every 6 weeks — which means I'm reviewing abuse reports and checking in on the community. I always get side-tracked with reading my notifications and responding to comments though, haha. All this to say, I'm with ya on taking a break to recharge on the weekends when I can, and I feel pretty lucky to be in a position to do so. 🙌

So beyond work, any hobbies you're up to or perhaps something you're learning purely out of passion for it? For instance, I've been teaching myself the song "Revolution" by The Beatles this weekend. Such a rockin' tune! 🎸

jason_espin profile image
Jason Espin

Does DIY count? I've always been someone who tended to pay professionals to do odd jobs but since I turned 35 I've been doing all sorts myself. Electrics. Plumbing. Tiling. All things I never learnt when I was younger and have now become pretty competent at. Current project is the renovation of our third bathroom. The main aim is to try and pick up as many skills as possible so that hopefully in the future I can move out of IT/Programming and move into property development / house flipping.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Oh yeah, that totally counts! And I can relate... I've been watching lots of DIY/home improvement videos too recently. My wife and I are building a place out in the country right now and my brother + dad are our contractors; they're both residential contractors professionally. Anywho, we're in talks with them about little areas of the house we wanna keep unfinished and do ourselves, for instance: the kitchen backsplash, some built-in shelves in our closets, and maybe a built-in bookshelf in my office. Everything you're saying right resonates on that level — I definitely wanna learn more about building/being handy.

Also, it's cool that you're thinking ahead for a potential future career change-up in property management. I'm also kinda loosely thinking about a future career change with a similar but different angle. I've been pretty curious about architecture over the years, and I've been learning about what it might take to get into that field. My local community college has draftsman courses and that seems like a good way to get a foot in the door... becoming a full-on architect actually would require a good bit more schooling for me, but becoming a draftsman would let me get a taste for it all and put me in a good position to move into the field.

I'm interested in the intersection between architecture and tech, for instance, using VR to give a virtual tour of a place to a client. I feel like there's a lot of potential there!

brnms profile image
Bruno Santos

Practicing Nodejs + Express + MongoDB with this tutorial from John Smilga

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh good stuff! This looks like a thorough tutorial right here. Hope it goes well for ya!

codingnoob profile image
Coding Noob

learnt how to use NextAuth in NextJS 14.

sc0v0ne profile image

What is NextJS useful for?

codingnoob profile image
Coding Noob

NextJS is a react framework used to build websites.

sc0v0ne profile image

I'm studying more about computer vision and discovering a new passion called mathematics, I didn't imagine that after years I would have double the interest. In addition to wanting to solve complex problems.

hriztam profile image
Hritam Shrivatava

Not really learning but building an app using solidity and nextJS

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Right on! What's your app about?

hriztam profile image
Hritam Shrivatava

It's a real-time chatting application based on blockchain

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa • Edited

One of my legs was broken but I was still dancing on what was left of my footing. And that's just a metaphor!

np03a170120 profile image
Season Shrestha

NextJS 😎

techman09 profile image

Trying to figure out why my army of Pi Pico W’s keep crashing. Of course as soon as I hook them up to a serial monitor all works well 😀

Oh, and messing around with AWS as well

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Reading Atomic Habits and learning to build GitHub Apps

sc0v0ne profile image

Very good Book

hoj20 profile image

Html & Css

opensourcee profile image

I’m reading Tribal Leadership. Strange title, but nice insights!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, that is a goofy title — sounds interesting though!

kurealnum profile image

Finally getting a lot of work done on some of my projects! Oh, and I'm learning Vim/Vim motions.

rounakcodes profile image
rounakcodes • Edited

Really? People still spend time on learning? Have they not heard of ChatGPT?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

lol! Right?! Who needs to know things now that we have the robots to do it for us? 🤖