DEV Community

Harrsh Patel
Harrsh Patel

Posted on

How to setup Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu

Do you want to install and use Firefox Developer Edition on your Ubuntu and don’t know how to go about it?! If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. Am sure you’ve seen some documentations out there but in this one we will add Firefox Developer Edition to our Unity launcher. You’re welcome! 😉

Please follow the steps below…

Step 1
Download the firefox*.tar.bz2 file from Mozilla’s website.

Step 2
Open Terminal.

Step 3
Navigate to the folder where the file is saved.

Step 4
Copy firefox*.tar.bz2 file to the /opt folder.

sudo cp -rp firefox*.tar.bz2 /opt
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 5
Delete the downloaded firefox*.tar.bz2 file.

sudo rm -rf firefox*.tar.bz2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 6
Navigate to the /opt directory.

cd ~
cd /opt
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 7
Un-tar the firefox*.tar.bz2 file in opt folder.

sudo tar xjf firefox*.tar.bz2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 8
Delete the firefox*.tar.bz2 file in opt folder.

sudo rm -rf firefox*.tar.bz2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 9
Change ownership of the folder containing Firefox Developer Edition /opt/firefox

sudo chown -R $USER /opt/firefox
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 10
Create the Firefox Developer Edition's shortcut

nano ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The content of this file is,

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Developer 
GenericName=Firefox Developer Edition
Exec=/opt/firefox/firefox %u
Comment=Firefox Developer Edition Web Browser.
StartupWMClass=Firefox Developer Edition
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 10
Mark the launcher as trusted and make it executable.

chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I hope this article has helped you to set-up your new Firefox Developer Edition.

Thank you

Top comments (36)

drfcozapata profile image
Francisco Zapata • Edited

Thanks a lot bro!!!
Only one note: "StartupWMClass=Navigator" worked for me to avoid duplicated icon on dock
I have Ubuntu 22.04

46and2 profile image

For some reason it didn't help. I had to set it to StartupWMClass=firefox-aurora on my Ubuntu 22.04.1.

andreithedeveloper profile image

This issue is likely related to the .desktop file of your Firefox Developer Edition. Specifically, the StartupWMClass property in the .desktop file may not be set correctly. The StartupWMClass property helps the GNOME Shell to associate the running application instance with the correct .desktop file and, consequently, the right icon in the dock.

To fix the issue, follow these steps:

1)Open the Firefox Developer Edition and then open a terminal.

2)In the terminal, run the following command to get the WM_CLASS property of the Firefox Developer Edition:

xprop WM_CLASS

After running the command, your cursor will turn into a crosshair. Click on the Firefox Developer Edition window. The terminal will display the WM_CLASS value, which should look something like this:

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "firefox", "Firefox Developer Edition"

Take note of the second value (in this example, "Firefox Developer Edition").

3) Open the .desktop file for Firefox Developer Edition with a text editor. The file should be located in ~/.local/share/applications/ and named firefox_dev.desktop. If you can't find it there, look for it in /usr/share/applications/.

nano ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop

4) In the .desktop file, find the StartupWMClass line and update its value to match the second WM_CLASS value you found in step 2. In this example, the updated line should look like this:

StartupWMClass=Firefox Developer Edition

5) Save the changes to the .desktop file and close the text editor.

6) Restart your Firefox Developer Edition, and the issue should be resolved. The new instance should now be associated with the existing icon in the dock.

arif0ne profile image

Brother you have any idea how to uninstall that?

neifranci profile image

I think u can just delete the firefox..bz2 file in opt folder

emiliojva profile image
Emílio Vieira

Thanks Guy.

gmcnicol profile image
Gareth McNicol • Edited

Thank you for posting this, just a quick note: you do not need to chown the directory in /opt/

soheilss profile image

Thanks. worked fine for me .Kubuntu 20.02

robinui profile image

Thanks bro its working

sebazelonka profile image
Sebastian Zelonka


barbarosaffan profile image
Barbaros Yıldırım

Thank you so much, this article helped me a lot!

zmatelj89 profile image

Thanks, it worked on Endeavour OS

gabeweb profile image
Gabe Pérez

Thanks for sharing this. I've applied it for Firefox Developer and Thunderbird Test on Ubuntu 22.10 as live USB installation.

amankhys profile image
Aman Khys P N

thanks a lot mate... really helped me out.

lucas24d profile image
Lucas Almeida

Thanks a lot bro, this helped me.

thesandman7 profile image

thanks bro Harrsh

daniblueboy profile image
Uyioghosasere Daniel Obasuyi

Awesome. Thanks

ivgaguilar profile image
Ivan García Aguilar

Thank you very much! You helped me :D