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Cover image for [STOP]::Todo Apps
Tanvir Shaikh
Tanvir Shaikh

Posted on

[STOP]::Todo Apps

is it just me or is any one else out there who is tired of creating "TODO" as a first project when learning anything.

just for fun though, but that's how we all learned I guess.
whenever I see any tutorial and that developer is creating a todo project i stop, those are so confusing, like todo todo todo till the entire video. tired with this now πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

in my opinion TODO should never be the first project when learning new tech. 🀣.

Image description

may be I'm wrong idk, you can correct me if.

Top comments (1)

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Find a database script in your favourite SQL database of choice, get some CRUD, and create some fun with Angular or React, having a complex database backend with foreign keys and the whole she bang is my suggestion ...

Your photo made me laugh ^_^