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Introducing xBesh UI: A Free, Open-Source UI Library for React and Next.js Developers

As developers, we're always on the lookout for tools and resources that can streamline our workflow and help us build better applications faster.

Today, I'm excited to introduce you to xBesh UI - a brand new, free and open-source UI kit designed specifically for React and Next.js developers.

xBesh UI is a comprehensive UI library that provides over 100 high-quality UI components that you can easily integrate into your projects. From basic building blocks like buttons, inputs, and typography to more advanced components like modals, carousels, and data visualizations - xBesh UI has you covered.

Why xBesh UI?

There are a lot of UI kits out there, so what makes xBesh UI stand out? Here are a few key reasons to consider using it for your next project: 100% Open-Source and Free: xBesh UI is licensed under the MIT license, which means it's completely free to use, modify, and distribute. No hidden fees or strict licensing requirements.

Built for React and Next.js:

Unlike generic UI kits, xBesh UI is designed from the ground up to seamlessly integrate with the React and Next.js frameworks. The components are built using React and leverage the latest features and best practices.

Extensive Component Library:

With over 100 customizable UI components, xBesh UI provides an extensive toolkit to build highly functional and visually appealing user interfaces.

Responsive and Themeable:

The components are built with responsive design in mind and can adapt to various screen sizes. Additionally, the theming system allows you to easily customize the styles to match your brand.

Actively Maintained:

The xBesh UI project is actively maintained by a dedicated team of developers who are committed to regularly adding new components, improving existing ones, and fixing any issues that arise.

Getting Started with xBesh UI

Using xBesh UI in your project is straightforward. Simply install the package via npm or yarn, and you're ready to start building:

npm install @xbeshui/core
# or
yarn add @xbeshui/core
# or
pnpm install @xbeshui/core
# or
bun add @xbeshui/core
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once installed, you can import and use the components in your React or Next.js application. For example, to use the Button component:

import { Button } from '@xbeshui/core';
function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Button variant="outline">Click me</Button>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The xBesh UI documentation site provides detailed guides, component examples, and information on customizing the UI kit to fit your specific needs.

Contribute to xBesh UI

As an open-source project, xBesh UI welcomes contributions from the developer community. If you've found a bug, have a feature request, or would like to contribute your own components, we encourage you to get involved. You can find the project repository on GitHub and learn more about the contribution guidelines.

We're excited to see how the community embraces and utilizes xBesh UI in their projects. Happy coding!

Top comments (1)

henryfrench3461 profile image

Oh wow, This is an amazing UI kit. Thanks for sharing!!😊💕