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Rishi Kumar
Rishi Kumar

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Why I moved from CloudWatch to Errsole!

Logging is an essential component of any development project, especially in Node.js. Traditionally, developers have relied on solutions like AWS CloudWatch. However, this tool often has notable limitations, such as lacking seamless log viewing, requiring third-party services, and providing alerts with no context.

The Limitations of AWS CloudWatch

Complex Setup and Maintenance
AWS CloudWatch provides comprehensive logging, alerting, and monitoring features. However, it suffers from several drawbacks:

  • Complexity: Setting up alerts and alarms requires expertise and significant configuration. For example, I had to put logs in different streams and then create alarms to alert me if a stream folder received more than one log within a specified period, like 10 minutes or 1 hour. This process is cumbersome and time-consuming.

Lack of Context in Alerts/Alarms
Even after setting up logs in streams and configuring alarms, the alerts generated by CloudWatch lacked context. The email alerts did not provide sufficient information about the nature and context of the issues. I often found myself clueless about what type of issue had occurred, which hindered my ability to respond effectively.

Why I Chose Errsole

Errsole enhances Node.js logging by providing a seamless, built-in dashboard that's both easy to configure and user-friendly.

Effortless Setup
After installing Errsole and adding just two lines of configuration code, it automatically starts capturing console logs. The intuitive dashboard gives quick access to logs without the need for third-party services.

Custom Logging Levels
Errsole offers custom log levels (info, error, warn, alert), allowing developers to categorize logs based on their application's unique needs.

Integrated Dashboard
The dashboard is fully integrated into the app, accessible via localhost or a dedicated domain. This eliminates the need for external tools and provides a cohesive logging experience.

Log Viewing & Filtering
Errsole's dashboard allows users to view, filter, and search logs by log level and timestamp. This feature streamlines log analysis and makes it easier to identify issues.

Alerts & Integrations
Errsole supports setting up custom alerts with detailed context, delivered via Slack or email. Proper context provides actionable insights, unlike the generic notifications from CloudWatch.

Data Control
Errsole allows users to control data Time-to-Live (TTL) to optimize storage and retention, ensuring that only relevant logs are retained.

Team Collaboration
Errsole's dashboard facilitates team collaboration by allowing developers to invite team members directly through the platform, enhancing the collaborative debugging process.

As an open-source tool, Errsole offers advanced logging capabilities to developers of all levels without the constraints of proprietary software.


Errsole is raising the bar for Node.js logging by addressing long-standing challenges associated with traditional solutions. With its built-in dashboard, customizable alerts, and effortless setup, it's time to consider Errsole as the future of Node.js logging. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a large team, this comprehensive tool provides everything needed to monitor, visualize, and act on application logs effectively.

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