DEV Community

Shaiju T
Shaiju T

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Pluralsight - All 7,000+ Programming courses are free for April! No credit card required.

Hi all πŸ˜„. Recently I came to know that Pluralsight is offering All 7,000+ courses for free for April month! No credit card required.

  • Learn any Programming or Technology Courses for FREE in April.

You can learn anything Java, C#, Python, Go , Ruby , Docker, Kubernetes , Azure , AWS, Machine Learning , Web Development, HTML , CSS... the list goes on...

So What is Pluralsight and Why Should I use it ?

Pluralsight is technology skills platform, companies can upskill teams and increase engineering impact.

With assessments, learning paths and courses authored by industry experts, our platform helps businesses and individuals benchmark expertise across roles, speed up release cycles and build reliable, secure products.

They have high Quality Courses in all Programming languages. These courses authored by industry experts.

Kindly use below link to access the same:

Get started your free learning today.

Here is official Announcement.

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Content Reference 2

Stay home. Skill up.
Build in-demand tech skills without leaving your house. Get free access to 7,000+ expert-led video courses and more all month long.

Enjoy Learning πŸ˜„.

Top comments (1)

amitkkhanchandani profile image

Thank you so much for sharing