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Dmitriy A.
Dmitriy A.

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Spotify playlists

Coding, programming, and writing code is the creative process. We all artists seeking for the best solution to the task we are working on. Building worlds and creating new universes in our minds, modeling and prototyping data-flow, components interaction, API interfaces, user stories, predicting arising issues, and preventing common ones.

Every creative process is accompanied by a muse. And muse... you know a lady, she won't give a company to a grumpy one. You had to be positive, charged with a good mood, and be in the "zone." And our mood is tied to music, as the prefrontal cortex and auditory cortex — uplifting our emotional function.

To keep my emotional function in balance, I compiled and listening to the next playlists. Daily switching in between to compensate for my mood shifts. Sharing all of them with you — to stay focused, uplifted, and inspired, enjoy!

  • Dubbed Tech — Lately, this one drives my coding sessions
  • This is rave 😎 — This is my favorite one, uplifting, and pumping beats with drops;
  • Party hard 🤩 — Not for everyone, hard pressing on your ears;
  • Party light 😎 — Easy to listen in the background;
  • Party weird 🤓 — Pop, the 70s, mainstream, good morning/long drive music, sometimes used during the coding sessions, usually on new tasks, some tracks may surprise you, so don't get surprised;
  • Jazz 🎷 — Jazz can be different, this one is perfect for driving; Always great on low volume in the background;
  • Drum & bass 🕺 — Think fast — code fast 🚀. Usually using this one on hackathons and urgent tasks;
  • Nostalgy 🚴‍♂️ — Driving, cycling, pedaling. As well as focus-coding sessions. Beloved Kung Fury style beats!
  • Chill 🥱 — Chill after hard-working day; Perfect for your long-range speaker on low volume at the end of the day;
  • Meditation 👳🏾‍♀️ — Deep-deep-deep meditation playlist. Use it while relaxing in the bathtub, drinking tea, or during massage sessions with beloved ones.

I update playlists regularly. All other playlists are here.
Let me know what you think. Share yours.


Top comments (5)

smart_egg profile image
Dmitriy A.

Added dubbed tech playlist — Lately, this one drives my coding sessions

montechie profile image
Wes Hunt

I find myself listening to the West World Spotify playlist on repeat when working. The covers are awesome, and interesting enough to keep me awake without distraction.

sduduzog profile image

If I don't find Bag Raiders - Shooting stars in one of these playlist, then the playlists aren't complete 😤

smart_egg profile image
Dmitriy A.

Listening on repeat?

sduduzog profile image

A couple of repeats at least