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Tina Huynh
Tina Huynh

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Late nights or early mornings?

Do you rather work in the cold night air? Or wake up bright and early with a cup of coffee in your hand?

Before everyone is awake? Or after everyone is asleep?

I personally can never make up my mind...sometimes it's one and then there are phases when it's the opposite!

Happy coding!

Top comments (18)

erinmikail profile image
Erin Mikail Staples

Early mornings, by far — I find myself making too many mistakes at night and feeling overwhelmed by things that happened in my day.

Starting the day off with clarity is something that provides me with a fresh mind to take a peek at problems and actually find solutions.

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Early mornings definitely feels great :) good morning

_bigblind profile image
Frederik 👨‍💻➡️🌐 Creemers

Years of bad sleep habits conditioned me to prefer late nights. I often get a last spurt of energy somewhere between 10PM and midnight.

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

I was oftentimes the same.... to the point that I sometimes found myself going to sleep when others were waking up some days. It got bad... so I decided to switch up my sleeping schedule one day and now I tend to stick with the early mornings.

raguay profile image
Richard Guay

My brain shuts down around 8pm-9pm depending on the day. I usually get to bed around 9pm and get up at 5:00am. So, I guess I’m a morning person!

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Before dawn? Hmm....that'd be around 4 am. Right around when I'd wake up (ideally) most days. But normally if I stay in bed a little later, like today for instance, I get up around 6 am when the sun rises.

I feel like I get the most done in the morning when everything's peacefully quiet.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I can occasionally enjoy a late night coding session, but definitely more likely to jive with an early morning session these days.

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

I am very similar to you in that sense. The night sessions are very peaceful at times. Sometimes that cool air and change of atmosphere and vibe is a breath of fresh air but I definitely do enjoy the mornings a lot better.

jaecktec profile image

Monday early Fridays late.
Picking the times no one is around

clsource profile image

In my personal preference early mornings are more peaceful and easily focus. Late nights are for doing chores that do not require much mental power.

xkr9 profile image
Dom Grad

Getting work done in the morning 100%. Sets up the rest of the day up for success. Everytime i say to myself that I'll finish something in the evening it never happens 😅

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Really? You must naturally be more of an early bird than a night owl

scottmuangsrichan profile image
Scott Muangsrichan

Early mornings for me! I tend to get my best work done in the early morning hours like 4am , 5am versus later at night. Though I haven't been working in those early morning just from a lack of discipline. Not getting up at the time I should be. I'm going to work at getting back into that routine.

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

After everyone is asleep. It's a habit I picked up in campus. I used to live in a rather noisy building. But between 2am to about 9am it was always silent. And I could get most of my studying then. Now Even if I am in a very silent place, I still find comfort in working at night. And If I can't, I manufacture it. Blackout curtains, noise cancelling headphones and if I could control the weather, I would probably also make it as cold as possible. Works like a charm to get my productivity up.

liviufromendtest profile image
Liviu Lupei

why not both

vulcanwm profile image

Definitely in the morning before everyone is awake! Nothing better than coding in the peace and quiet

said96dev profile image

I'm kind of confused, sometimes in the morning I'm fully motivated and I'll achieve a lot in 2 hours, and sometimes the other way around I'll wait until midnight and start coding and such until dawn