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Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team

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What was your win this week?

Heyo 👋

Hope y'all are ready for the weekend! 🙌

Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?

All wins count — big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Celebrating Hanukkah with your loved ones! 🕎

A cartoon of a menorah. It's snowing in the background and each of the candle's flames is a little character who is dancing in a celebratory way.

Did you know we feature wins in our "Wins of the Week" email every Friday? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter emails to get wins delivered right to your inbox! 💌

Top comments (62)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆ • Edited

📰 I published a post on the DEV community! ✨

🧵 My post "Is HTML a Programming Language?" got a mention in Time to #discuss in The DEV Community newsletter! ✨

My post mentioned in The DEV Community newsletter

🎰 I won the lottery! ✨
My lottery ticket with my 50 NOK prize I won 50 Kr = $4.7 US 😄

The Recycling Lottery (Norwegian: Pantelotteriet) is a lottery where empty bottles and cans recycled through a Reverse Vending Machine may be converted into a stake in a national lottery.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wooaaaa! The Recylcing Lottery!? 🤯

That's such a freaking cool idea. And congrats on your 5-dollar win (rounding up cause I'm a glass-half-full kinda person, haha!) 🤑

Sounds like another stellar week! 🙌

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Teehee 😁

Haha, yes it is! Recycling is a big deal over here 🙂

Thanks 😊

jd2r profile image

Completed 2/3 of my classes for this semester! Got a final exam on Saturday (oof) but fingers crossed and I'll finish this term with a 4.0 👀

In the coding sphere, I've fully completed about 8 days of Advent of Code. A bit behind, but when school ends I'll start grinding so I have some hope of finishing it 😅

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Nice!! I remember the feeling of wrapping up a semester before the holidays — so stressful ahead of those exams, but so rewarding once you're out the other end.

Keeping my fingers crossed for ya — you got this! 🤞🍀

As for the Advent of Code, good thinking. Sounds like you're prioritizing what's most important now and like ya said, you can always dive back in after school ends.

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Heyo! (to borrow a @michaeltharrington salutation.) 😉 Check out the awesome accomplishments from your fellow DEV members last week: @montyharper completed an iOS Development nanodegree and earned a certificate, @matib debuted on DEV with "Embracing Modern Python for Web Development," @srbhr for got over 6 hours of sleep on a busy Saturday, and major props to @kaamkiya for diving into x86_64 assembly and crafting cool programs! 👏👏👏 Congrats to all! Your wins light up the DEV community—keep shining bright, champions! ✨

matib profile image
Mati B

Thanks Erin! 💪🏼

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha! YES. I'm so glad to have incepted "heyo" into your vocab.

I love a good "heyo" ... by the way, the origin of that phrase for me personally came about when I lived in Scotland. Folks would regularly say "heya" which I thought of as "hey there" but eventually morphed it into my own "heyo"... I think there are plenty of other folks that use "heyo" out there without the Scottish connection, but that's the personal meaning it has for me. 🙂

kaamkiya profile image


integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I wore pants!

Also, I got to give a talk at Global AI Conference on Semantic Kernel to 200 people. I was able to use my Batman voice as part of this talk.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Pants and Batman voice! Sounds like an eventful week...

Oh, and I suppose you gave a talk to 200 people too.... But pants! Batman!!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Exactly! Pants!

bop profile image

I survived. My wife was sick, so had to work, take care of our 1 yo daughter (who doesn't go to school), and the house—plus feeling shit not to be able to make my wife better.

So the win is to be living after all... And still have my job after not being able to be productive!

*All the glory to the Lord. *

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Phew! Sounds like a rough one. I reckon life can't always be roses. At least you are finding the bright side though. 🌞

I really hope your wife feels better soon and that you have a nice chill weekend.

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

I got to interview someone on the MKBHD team (more on that in a while, am going to edit and make a podcast episode as well as an article), and am launching a brand that was finalized this week (merch… etc.) and yeah, that was my week.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woaaaa! I love watching MKBHD. I'll be looking out for that one!

And you launched a brand?!

Sounds like a successful and fun week. Good stuff, Griff! 🙌

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

I officially became a Monthly Challenge Team Lead at Virtual Coffee community together with @dominicduffin1! 🥰

Although the PR is not merged yet, I finally contributed to a code-related (TailwindCSS) issue at an OSS project for the first time! 🥳

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Rock on! I met Dominic back in the day at a previous CodeLand. Awesome to hear that you both joined the Monthly Challenge Team. Virtual Coffee is such a great org!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thanks, Michael! 😊
Also, you're always welcome to join Virtual Coffee. 😄

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I'll consider it! I feel like I get enough of software development in my daily life from working here at DEV, but I love the folks at and vibes I get from Virtual Coffee.

Maybe there's a way I can collaborate with you all in the future while I'm on the clock here at DEV. I do love pointing new folks to y'all's org because I think it's such a friendly helpful place for them to meet folks, get encouragement and assistance. But maybe I can also attend some of the Virtual Coffee events and do a bit more... there's something there, I'm just not sure what yet.

Thank you for the invitation, Ayu!

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adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thanks for pointing new folks here, Michael! And true, the folks here are amazing! 🤩

We're much more beyond software development & tech! I bet @nickytonline can confirm. 😉
So, would love to have you hang out here too, Michael! 😊

And collaboration with DEV in the future sounds super awesome!!! 😍

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nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Amy Poehler and Seth Green high fiving on News Update

skyloft7 profile image

I finally learned how Bezier Curves work and decided to implement them from scratch using OpenGL! Freya Holmér has some really great videos on the math behind these.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Super cool! Any ideas on what you'll do next with this knowledge?

skyloft7 profile image

Port it to the GPU of course!

Idk, I just like learning Graphics Programming!

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Rock on! I like graphics too. 🙌

One reason I asked is because I love music visualizers and I wondered if you might have any plans like that... like I could see these lines floating in space to the beat — expanding and changing colors, etc.

Anyway, good stuff here!

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skyloft7 profile image
Mohammed • Edited

Oh, I don't know the first thing about audio programming haha

Neat idea though, I might look into it!

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg • Edited

Survived the week while wife was sick! 🎉

Got a big chunk of work done on my latest project (not ready to release yet) 🧑‍💻

My recent blog post hit 18k views in its first week 👀

Rowed 25k meters so far this week 🚣🏻

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I made two posts on, added some pages and fixed some bugs on my website, and got my first followers on GitHub! I also fixed an annoying bug in a private project I'm working on, plus I found out how awesome the moderators are on here! :D

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

Finally launched a new version of our company site…after 3 years and 3 devs (I’m only responsible for the last year of that…but I replaced the other two devs). Still some wrinkles to iron out (damn you Google Maps!), but it’s lunched and everybody is happy.

robindn profile image
Robin De Neef • Edited

I was given the opportunity to give an "introduction to AI and how it can be applied in your workflow" talk at work this week. It was very well received.

As part of the talk, I made a fairy wand presentation pointer. I made it from a fairy costume and attached an Arduino RP2040 Connect to it. Then I trained an ML model on a gesture to go to the next slide. It worked and was a great success with the crowd.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

That's awesome Robin! Haha, sounds like you had fun with it — love the fairy wand concept haha. 🪄

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

@michaeltharrington what was your win.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks for asking, Stefan!

My big win was that last weekend I cracked the code on my home recording situation — I got a new computer recently and just set it up with my mixer so I can record into Ableton. Now, I can have friends over, we can jam, and record everything we do. I can finally record and produce my own music! 🙌

So last weekend, I had my cousin Patrick over and we recorded a couple of tunes together, one of which is this cover of Peter Gabriel's "Solsbury Hill"... Pat played guitar and I sang. It's not perfect by any means — we actually did it in our first take — but I think it's pretty good and I had a fun time adding effects to it all afterward.

This weekend, I'll be jumping back into it. I wanna work on my production technique and record some more tunes, including a couple of originals that I wrote.

I also like to play a lot of styles of music (you've been around for some of my Music Mondays so you know I have pretty eclectic tastes) so I'm excited to continue exploring different genres and making noise with all my gizmos.

Since you got me talking, here's a shot of my setup btw:

A zoomed-out pic of my home studio... there's a multitude of amplifiers, guitars, synthesizers, and an electronic drum set. There's also a big desk with a screen above it for projecting video on. The room looks like a wreck with cables going everywhere.

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

I like the set up you have. Congrats on those accomplishments. I see you have something else going besides the tech. Always need that outlet to get lost in. Congrats again.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks for all your kind words, Stefan. And agreed, it's important to have an outlet — my passion for music gives me something to look forward to every day.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Working at a full-time subaltern job and keep studying!
Also, I'm glad I submitted my first challenge on with 97% similarity, without looking at tutorials. If you'd like to check out, come check out my Minimal Blog Card.

rutamhere profile image
Rutam Prita Mishra

I just won the v9.3 Release MVP of @mattermost_community. This is the second time I am winning this and it feels so amazing.


lindy65 profile image

Congrats again Rutam! Very well deserved!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow! Hot dang. 🏆

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