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Learning to Code Through Real-World Challenges: My Transformative Journey

Learning to program isn't merely about mastering syntax or memorizing frameworks; at its core, it's about solving problems and iteratively gaining knowledge. To truly grasp programming, one must start with a problem worth solvingโ€”a notion I've always found daunting.

In the past, I believed I needed to reach a certain level of knowledge before I could begin coding. So, I armed myself with programming books, thinking they would provide the necessary foundation. However, reading those dense tomes proved an uphill battle. I found it boring to gain knowledge without having a practical problem to solve with that knowledge. Consequently, I'd often forget everything I had read, even if I managed the rare feat of reaching the end of the book.

To compound matters, I dismissed most online coding problems as too simplistic or unrealistic, craving something more "real-world." I was convinced that the path to becoming a programmer required tackling complex, industry-level problems from the outset.

My perspective shifted when I deconstructed a personal experience. I had spent an entire weekend trying to figure out how to add items to the FVWM's menu (spoiler alert: I couldn't crack it - yet! and switched to the more user-friendly IceWM). I scoured countless documentation pages, determined to solve the problem. Yet, come Monday morning, I found it nearly impossible to focus on the programming book I had planned to read. It felt dull, and I was itching to get my hands dirty on something more engaging.

The disparity between these experiences struck me: with FVWM, each snippet of new knowledge was immediately put to the test, making the experience more engaging. With the book, I was merely flipping pages, not trying to solve a problem with the knowledge gained. I realized I needed a problem to guide my efforts and make the learning process more iterative.

This revelation led me to stumble upon something fascinating โ€“ the 1brc (1 Billion Row Challenge), highlighting another crucial insight: most real-world problems involve applying simple concepts at a massive scale and under specific constraints. The truth was, real-world problems had been staring me in the face all along. I just needed to find ways to approach these simple problems at a larger scale and under defined limitations.

With this newfound perspective, I embarked on a new path. I decided to tackle problems from Project Euler, solving them at scale and under various constraints. It is my hope that this approach will not only provide practical challenges but also allow me to apply and solidify my programming knowledge in a more engaging way.

Learning to program is indeed a challenging journey, but by embracing problem-solving as the core essence of programming, I hope to make the process more enjoyable and effective. It's not about memorizing syntax or mastering frameworks; it's about developing the ability to solve problems, one challenge at a time.

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