DEV Community

Ucok I. L
Ucok I. L

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I should think about deployment before I start coding

So I face an interesting things happen in my recent project. A company reach me for this project but we never talk about detail of deployment, except for EC2 with 16 gb ram.

They want a role-based access control within the app. So a good consistent ui but using different design for let say admin and user.

I did it surely. Just create user table and role table. As we all knew.

Now at the edge of our development phase, they requested or should I say they thought, they can split it to two subdomain: for admin and user.

Thats option is possible for sure with one caveat: we already coded it.

With react ui that just need to know the role to render different parts, its highly dynamic but still, its there. The separation is in the code, not in the application like we have two different ui module or other possible option.

I start to think that we should really talk about deployment in enough detail ahead of our coding phase.

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