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Arpit Mohan
Arpit Mohan

Posted on • Originally published at

What you must know about AWS auto-scaling

TL;DR style notes from articles I read today.

When AWS autoscale doesn't

  • Scaling speed is limited. If the ratio of your actual metric value to target metric value is low, the maximum magnitude of a scale out event will get significantly limited.
  • Short cooldown periods can cause over-scaling or under-scaling because a scaling event may trigger before a previous scaling event has concluded.
  • Target tracking autoscaling works best in situations where at least one ECS service or CloudWatch metric is directly affected by the running task count, the metrics are bounded, or relatively stable and predictable.
  • The best way to find the right autoscaling strategy is to test it in your specific environment and against your specific load patterns.

Full post here, 8 mins read

4 common misconceptions about AWS auto-scaling

  • Do you think auto-scaling is easy? No, it is not. Maintaining the templates & scripts required for the auto-scaling process to work well takes a significant time investment.
  • It is a myth that elastic scaling is more common than fixed-size auto-scaling. Most useful aspects of auto-scaling focus on high-availability and redundancy instead of elastic load scaling.
  • A common misconception is that load-based auto-scaling is appropriate in every environment. Some cloud deployments will be better off without auto-scaling or on a limited basis.
  • There's a delicate balance between perfect base images and lengthy configurations that need to be run in an auto-scale event. This depends on how fast the instance needs to be spun up, how often auto-scaling events happen, the average life of an instance, etc.

Full post here, 6 mins read

Autoscaling AWS Step Functions activities

  • Transactional flows are an ideal use case for auto-scaling because of unused compute capacity during non-peak hours.
  • When you need to detect any scaling-worthy events, AWS components like Step Functions Metrics and Cloudwatch Alarms come in handy.
  • Support a scale-down cool-off time to prevent two consecutive scale-down actions within a certain amount of time.
  • Guard your system against any malicious, delayed, or duplicated scaling notifications by validating incoming scaling signals.
  • Review historical statistics for scale-down alarms so that they’re less susceptible to triggers and never occur during peak hours.
  • For a safe rollout, increment steps till you gradually reach the ideal minimal instance count.

Full post here, 5 mins read

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Top comments (2)

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Gotta tell you: these posts where you're just linking out to the full articles are not really a good idea. I know I'm not alone in not following links to posts. If I'm reading on Dev, I want to read on dev.

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

Thanks for the feedback.

I primarily link to the posts to credit the author and ensure that people know that the article is just my notes / takeaways from the article. This is akin to Blinkist linking to the complete book in the short summary that it provides for each book.