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Mr F.
Mr F.

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Why and how you should migrate from Visual Studio Code to VSCodium

In this tutorial we'll go over why you should make the switch, and how you can retain all of your extensions when you do make the switch. It won't take more than a couple of minutes to do the actual change!

The problem with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio code is without a doubt the most used Code editor (for front end developers at least). It definitely provides a lot of helpful extensions of which there have been umpteen posts about.

text editors

So why would I suggest you uninstall it for something else?

Whilst Microsoft’s vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.

...may collect information about you and your use of the software, and send that to Microsoft... You may opt-out of many of these scenarios, but not all...

Microsoft insist this is for bug tracking and so on, which may well be true. But you never know what else the data could end up being used for in the hands of someone unscrupulous.

You can turn off telemetry reporting in Visual Studio Code, but there are plenty of opportunities for Microsoft to add other features in, which may slip past your attention.

Run this command in your terminal and check your output

code --telemetry
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Not great, lets change it.


VSCodium ... is not a fork. This is a repository of scripts to automatically build Microsoft's vscode repository into freely-licensed binaries with a community-driven default configuration.

This means we don't have to go through the hassle of building each version ourselves, everything is done for us and the best part is we get these binaries under the MIT license. Telemetry is completely disabled.

Moreover, the editor itself looks and functions exactly the same, you won't miss a thing!

vscodium logo

That's a pretty simple and compelling argument.

same but different

How to install VSCodium and keep all your extensions and settings

This is the easy part. I will focus upon macOS, but these instructions are pretty simple to amend to other platforms.

updated to include settings

Make sure you have Homebrew installed:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

1. Export all your installed extensions

First export all of your installed extensions into a text file (amend the output path as you see fit)

code --list-extensions | tee ~/vscode-extensions.txt
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will output all of your extensions to ~/vscode-extensions.txt and list them out in your terminal for you to see.

2. Export your settings

Export any custom keybindings and user settings you have as default.

cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json ~/vscode-settings.json

cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json ~/vscode-keybindings.json
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Uninstall Visual Studio Code

We use the force argument so that nothing gets left behind that would clash or interrupt VSCodium's install.

brew cask uninstall --force visual-studio-code
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. Install VSCodium

brew cask install vscodium
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

5. Reinstall your extensions for VSCodium

Because VSCodium has the same command line tools, we invoke them the same was as before

xargs -n1 code --install-extension < ~/vscode-extensions.txt
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This went through the file and executed code --install-extension on each line individually.

You should have seen the output in your terminal.

If you get a DeprecationWarning: Buffer()... warning, you don't need to worry, it's related to Yarn and can be resolved with yarn global add yarn

6. Import your settings

mv ~/vscode-settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/settings.json

mv ~/vscode-keybindings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/keybindings.json
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now you should be set and ready to go, the only thing you should notice is the logo is different. Everything else will work, feel and function the same as before.

Happy coding devs!

Latest comments (91)

airtonix profile image
Zenobius Jiricek

How's it going anonymising the rest of your life? Lots off effort yeah?

gerzah profile image
GerZah • Edited

I found the migration von VSCode to VSCodium to be the easiest (again on Mac) by symlinking

  • ~/vscode to ~/vscode-oss
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Code to ~/Library/Application Support/VSCodium

and be done with it: VSCode and VSCodium look and feel exactly identically, I didn't yet try to launch them concurrently at the same time.

… Oh, and I aliased code to be codium, so I won't accidentally fire up VSCode while VSCodium might be already running. — At the time of writing this, VSCode is still installed, but it might be gone rather sooner than later.

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Nice. It's been a while since I wrote this article. I may update it soon

sethusenthil profile image
Sethu Senthil

Does it have OTA / automatic updates?

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

yes, just like vscode

nathan13888 profile image

Sounds like a good idea to me. The only problem is the settings sync that comes with the normal VS Code :(

jcarrete5 profile image

There are differences between vscode and vscode-oss: . The main reason I haven't switched to vscode-oss is because I use the remote ssh development features of vscode often enough that it would be annoying to lose them.

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Since writing this article a lot of extensions and plugins I used have been blocked due to licencing.
I've gone back to VSCode (reluctantly), but I've disabled all the telemetry features.

theharshsingh profile image
Harsh Singh

Idk why but codium runs faster than the actual vscode on my machine...strange or what?

doztk421 profile image

Even though a lot of extensions work for both, they are not available within the marketplace. In my case looking for a simple TimeStamp is going to make me go back to VSCode. Because, yes, I could set up VSCode, export the settings, go back to Codium, import those settings. But good gods … not compelling enough.

chialpha profile image
Chima Okwara

If you're on Linux, a better way to keep your extensions without having to reinstall them:

When removing vscode, use:
apt remove code

instead of purge.

Then, after installing codium, go to your terminal and do:
mv ~/.vscode/extensions/ ~/vscode-oss/extensions.

That worked for me.

instead of purge. Then, after installing codium, go to your terminal and enter this:

ln -s ~/.vscode/extensions ~/vscode-oss/extensions

or do:

diamondfrost profile image
Diamond-Frost • Edited

What I don't get here (in the comments and on some other pages) is that apparently VSCode isn't Open Source? VSCode has a GitHub with the entire full source - VSCodium even DEPENDS on that GitHub. Do your (not directed at the author but at the reader) research before you spout such nonsense like "VSCode isn't FOSS" even though it very much is

(Quote from the VSCodium GitHub)

This repo exists so that you don't have to download+build from source. The build scripts in this repo clone Microsoft's vscode repo, run the build commands, and upload the resulting binaries to GitHub releases. These binaries are licensed under the MIT license. Telemetry is disabled.
If you want to build from source yourself, head over to Microsoft's vscode repo and follow their instructions. This repo exists to make it easier to get the latest version of MIT-licensed VSCode.

rookie profile image

It is mentioned in the article :

Whilst Microsoft’s vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.

maybe you should learn to read first ?

reld1980 profile image
Rómulo Lazarde

I installed codium three weeks ago and I had to disable telemetry. I was irritated about that.
anyhow, I am still using it.

And for those who claim to not care about giving your data away...

Cheers and stay safe and healthy

an4s911 profile image
Anas Basheer

Damn, thats a scary video. I've been thinking of dropping Google and other services that track my data. But I wasn't in such a pressure to do it as they do pretty well. But this video made me want to change it today. Its a pretty scary tech world right now.

awlsomealex profile image

Wasn't aware of the licensing part. Normally I would just turn off Telemetry. Painless enough to switch on Fedora so I did so. Literally no difference. Thanks for the write-up!

rdewolff profile image
Rom • Edited

The main reason for doing that switch is ethical.

But there could be some other reasons. We have monitored the traffic of VSCode and it's literally sending traffic over the internet every minutes, back and forth, lots of data. That alone leads to some CPU usage, internet traffic and battery usage.

So if you want to have a more efficient setup, go green mind, and you don't want that Microsoft monitors all your keystrokes and work, go for VSCodium.

We are many that did the jump. Thanks to @0xdonut for the great work which make the jump even easier :)

jeremy_h73 profile image

Sorry but this is nonsense to me.
The "telemetry" is useful for Microsoft to make VSCode better.
Don't you want VSCode to be better?
It tells Microsoft how much and in which ways people are using VSCode, but it does not spy on the code you're writing.

0xdonut profile image
Mr F.

Think of it what you will, I did say they use it for the reasons you've stated.

But if you subscribe to FOSS philosophy then VSCodium is an option available.

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