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Discussion on: How to create React Native App for Android, iOS and Web without Expo

19007361 profile image
CJ Meyer • Edited

I have a weird issue

When I use exactly this file of yours:

It runs fine with npx react-native run-android

But when I enter even one single letter differently, inside Text, styles, variable names, anything, it shows many errors "Error: Text strings must be rendered within a component.", and also some errors "Invariant Violation: View config getter callback for component div must be a function (received undefined). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter."

shivams136 profile image
Shivam Sharma

div component is not available in React Native, It's part of react-dom... So can't be used here.
For the Text issue, can you please share a screenshot or code block or regeneratable example.
I hope you are running for android, not web as in web it'll not run as mentioned in the step 10.

19007361 profile image
CJ Meyer

Thank you for your reply. It is exactly the same code as you have in App.js, I am running for Android yes