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Discussion on: Install Docker on Windows (WSL) without Docker Desktop

arm1 profile image
Armand Paghent

Thanks for the article. It really helps.
My need was to have a docker command recognized by the windows "system". Indeed, I run programs that run docker, etc... but sometimes they tell me something like "you don't have docker installed" because they don't manage to "find" and run your docker powershell "function".
So installing the windows docker-cli.exe is one of the solution but :
Is it possible to use the windows docker-cli (docker.exe) to connect to that dockerd using the socket things ?
I followed all your instructions but i just changed the path to the docker.sock to unix:///mnt/c/path/docker.sock. but dockerd doesn't start with this folder. Any thought ?

bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman

Yes, it is indeed possible using TCP, but I have yet to work through that and add an article...

arm1 profile image
Armand Paghent

I found after my question an article based on yours, on that topic at And Indeed, it works (I also needed to disable my VPN, i don't know exactly why..).
Thanks !