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Discussion on: What is a wrong turn you took your career?

baenencalin profile image
Calin Baenen

Not using þorn and eð sooner.

eljayadobe profile image
Eljay-Adobe • Edited

We should start a movement to revitalize those characters!

English Alphabet Erstwhile List
 1. LONG S    ſ    s
 2. AND      &    "and"     shorthand letter for "and"; capital? small?; originally "Et" combination/shorthand
 3. THORN   Þ þ    TH       soft "TH", like THIN
 4. THAT    Ꝥ ꝥ   "that"    shorthand letter for "that"; THORN with a stroke
 5. ETH     Ð ð    TH       hard "TH", like THEM
 6. ASH     Æ æ    A or E   sound between A and E, like as in CAT
 7. ETHEL   Œ œ    OE       words with a LONG E, like FOETUS
 8. WYNN    Ƿ ƿ    W        proposed character for "w" sound, before the "w" character was created
 9. YOGH    Ȝ ȝ    GH or Z  pronounced /yawg/ (extra-hard G); as in BACH or LOCH Ness Monster
10. ENG     Ŋ ŋ    NG       Alexander Gill the Elder (1690)
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baenencalin profile image
Calin Baenen

I'm in favor for replacing most normal cases of 'a' wiþ 'æ' and 'u', since ðat's all it does, rarely ever makes ðe sound in "Ðe letter A". - I'd accept ENG, but ðat's cutting it close.
But oðer ðan ðat, ðe characters you listed are kinda useless. Sorry.

We don't need "THAT", we have a word.
Wynn is useless since 'w' makes ðe same sound.
Ampersand everyone knows of, and we use it in writing, but I don't þink it needs a special place in ðe alphabet anymore.