DEV Community

Daniel Wesego
Daniel Wesego

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Using GitFlow in your development

Using git in a proper way is really important. It will not only help you but also others following you or working with you. GitFlow is a branching model for Git, created by Vincent Driessen. It makes it easy for you to add new features to your application easily. Let's try to see how you can use GitFlow in this short article.

When using GitFlow, you will create a branch for each feature you build. Your development branch is going to be your main branch. Feature branches will be based on your development branch. After you create a specific feature, the feature branch will be merged back to the development branch. When you want to release a specific version, you will create a release branch. Once all the test on the release branch is done, you will merge it with both the master and the development branch.

This way, you will have a consistent form of development while creating an application. People working with you can follow this trend easily. You will have your app in a standard flow of development where anyone can follow using GitFlow. Hope you liked it.

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