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Discussion on: GitHub integration for Orbit for anyone with multiple communities

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Josh Dzielak ๐Ÿ”†

Thanks Floor for sharing the integration and the write up! Really cool to see what you're doing with the API, this is a brilliant use for it and I know other folks want the same thing, either to split org data into multiple workspaces or monitor repos that aren't necessarily part of their org (e.g. a community-hosted plugin).

Thank you also for providing the opportunity for me to speak to a few of the discoveries aka snags that you hit :)

  • GitHub orgs funneling into multiple workspaces - super important for the kind of larger companies you mention and it's on the roadmap for next year
  • Activity tags - this is getting upgraded to a non-experimental solution very soon (1-2 months), which will allow a set of key value properties to be applied to any activity. For example repository: "postman-to-k6". The Orbit UI will detect these properties and allow you to use them anywhere you can filter, including members, activities, and reports pages.
  • Rate limits - we have a pretty generous limit of ~120 calls per minute but maybe you are getting more GitHub stars than I think :) we're happy to look at what happened there or if the limit needs to be raised, feel free to DM me
  • Reports - lots coming on this front in 2022, but nothing that rivals the power of Grafana ๐Ÿ˜† we make the data easy to export so that folks can analyze it easily outside of Orbit and it would be really cool to have a Grafana plugin

Again, thanks for sharing the journey. Happy to answer any questions if I missed anything.