DEV Community

Discussion on: I've just started a new job and they want me to work with technology I see as no benefit to my career, what do I do?

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Thomas H Jones II

My view on any technology I don't know is that learning it, by nature, isn't a waste of time. While any given implementation may have no further direct use beyond what I'm compelled to use it for, today, learning is a reward unto itself. At the very least, it keeps me in the practice of learning. Ideally, it helps me learn more about the stuff more dear to my heart. It's that whole, "huh: why'd they do that this way," that makes me dig deeper into the new technology, the technologies I'm familiar with and further technologies that take different approaches to solving similar problems.

Use the opportunity to learn something new: you never know when it may come in handy down the road. In the processs, establish yourself as a trusted, knowledgeable team-member. You may then be able to convert that political capital into pushing forward better solutions down the road. ...Or just have one more thing to pad your resume when you move on.