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Grenish rai
Grenish rai

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Deno 2.0 is Here

What is Deno?

For the uninitiated, Deno is a modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime created by Ryan Dahl—yep, the same guy who made Node.js. After reflecting on Node.js’s limitations, Ryan decided to create a runtime that fixes some of Node’s key issues. Enter Deno: secure by default, modern, and built around TypeScript support.

Deno Meme

Now with Deno 2.0, it’s getting even better!

Key Features of Deno 2.0

  • TypeScript Support: Deno 2.0 now supports TypeScript out of the box. This means that you can write your Deno code in TypeScript and use all of its features, such as type safety, interfaces, and modules.
  • Standard Modules: Deno 2.0 comes with a set of standard modules that provide common functionality, such as file I/O, network communication, and cryptography. These modules are built into Deno and can be used without installing any third-party dependencies.
  • Improved Security: Deno 2.0 has a number of security improvements, such as the ability to run code in a sandboxed environment and the ability to control which permissions Deno code has.
  • Faster Performance: Deno 2.0 is faster than previous versions, thanks to improvements in the V8 engine and the Deno runtime.
  • Better Tooling: Deno 2.0 comes with a number of new tools and features that make it easier to develop and deploy Deno applications. These include a new package manager, a new REPL, and a new code formatter.

What's New in Deno 2.0?

In addition to the key features listed above, Deno 2.0 also includes a number of other new features and improvements. Some of the most notable changes include:

  • New standard modules: Deno 2.0 includes a number of new standard modules, such as deno.permissions, deno.signal, and deno.websocket.
  • Improved module resolution: Deno 2.0 has a new module resolution algorithm that is more flexible and easier to understand.
  • New REPL features: The Deno REPL now has a number of new features, such as command history, tab completion, and syntax highlighting.
  • New code formatter: The Deno code formatter is now more configurable and can be used to format code according to your preferences.


Deno 2.0 is a major update that introduces a number of new features and improvements. If you are looking for a modern, secure, and efficient JavaScript runtime, Deno 2.0 is a great option.

Dino Final Meme

That was it for Deno 2.0, and now I’m gonna throw my Node.js manual out the window faster than Deno can compile TypeScript!

Keep Hacking!

Top comments (4)

lionelrowe profile image
lionel-rowe • Edited

Almost every single point in this article is either incorrect or already available in Deno 1.X.

For people interested in what's actually new in 2.X, check out the Deno 2.0 Release Candidate blog post instead.

TypeScript Support: Deno 2.0 now supports TypeScript out of the box. This means that you can write your Deno code in TypeScript and use all of its features, such as type safety, interfaces, and modules.

Deno has supported TypeScript out-of-the-box since v0.X.

Standard Modules: Deno 2.0 comes with a set of standard modules that provide common functionality, such as file I/O, network communication, and cryptography. These modules are built into Deno and can be used without installing any third-party dependencies.

Nope, they're not built into Deno, modules from the standard library still need to be added and are versioned separately from the runtime. The advantage is that it's a standard library with the attendant good documentation, code quality, and standardization, not that it doesn't need to be installed.

Improved Security: Deno 2.0 has a number of security improvements, such as the ability to run code in a sandboxed environment and the ability to control which permissions Deno code has.

Again, that's been available since the very beginning.

Faster Performance: Deno 2.0 is faster than previous versions, thanks to improvements in the V8 engine and the Deno runtime.

Might be true, what's the source? Obviously you don't have one nor care what it is because you publish this AI-generated garbage and waste everyone's time.

Better Tooling: Deno 2.0 comes with a number of new tools and features that make it easier to develop and deploy Deno applications. These include a new package manager, a new REPL, and a new code formatter.

REPL has been available for ages. Same with Code formatter. Package manager is new-ish but has been available in v1.X for a while now.

New standard modules: Deno 2.0 includes a number of new standard modules, such as deno.permissions, deno.signal, and deno.websocket.

0/3 is an impressive success rate. Not a single one of those are the names of available modules in std.

Improved module resolution: Deno 2.0 has a new module resolution algorithm that is more flexible and easier to understand.

I guess this is about adding sloppy imports? Or it's just a hallucination, who knows.

New REPL features: The Deno REPL now has a number of new features, such as command history, tab completion, and syntax highlighting.

Again, 0/3. All the mentioned features are already available in 1.X.

New code formatter: The Deno code formatter is now more configurable and can be used to format code according to your preferences.

Is it? Source?

grenishrai profile image
Grenish rai

My bad, I should've done the research thoroughly before writing this AI generated shit.

chandra_pantachhetri profile image
Chandra Panta Chhetri

Wow, I like how it has Typescript support out of the box. Have you used Deno before? If so, for what?

vidz1979 profile image

It's awesome. Very easy to start off, all batteries included!