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Emil Pearce
Emil Pearce

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How to fight your Impostor Syndrome and win?

Imposter Syndrome is a problem for me. Most of us will never be free of self-doubt...but, to be honest, I don't want to be free of Imposter Syndrome even. Humility, intimidation, and fear are all beneficial feelings that keep us hungry and keep us from becoming arrogant. On the other hand, Imposter Syndrome may be paralyzing, leading to discouragement and a sense of powerlessness. The good news is that there are a few pointers to share with you that have helped me manage my difficult emotions!

Momentum Is Everything

When I take a step back and consider the modest things I do to overcome Imposter Syndrome, I realize they're essentially small efforts that help me achieve the medium to the significant goal I've been assigned. These small acts of affirmation pile up, and as the good sensations continue to flow, I find myself suddenly filled with a sense of self-assurance that encourages me to try new things. So, how does this method relate to my day-to-day activities? Let's have a look at what we've got here!



Make Task Commitments in Front of the Team

Even if you are hesitant because of a lack of confidence in a task, put your face on it and accept it.Essentially, you will make yourself accountable. You might pretend to do something else, but the fact is that the assignment isn't going to disappear, and the sooner you do it, the sooner it will be something you don't have to worry about.Making yourself accountable is a fantastic approach to encouraging yourself. It also demonstrates how we may create situations in our minds to paralyze ourselves; in fact, the work is typically not as terrible as we've made it out to be.


Little Victories

The most effective approach to generating momentum is through "little wins." Too frequently, we see huge tasks as a mountain to climb, and not knowing where to begin may demotivate or overwhelm the brain, paralyzing us into doing nothing or losing interest. When we break projects down, they become more doable and something you can work on in tiny increments. On the other hand, the little wins don't have to do with your massive tasks or your given project; they're just about getting something on the board.


Here are a few ideas for small victories to help you get your day started:


  • Refactor Code - Unless the code hasn't been maintained, you'll probably need to make a few modifications, but it's a win, so take it!


  • Update documentation - Submit a suggestion to update the README or other documentation. Add some facts, correct grammatical errors, or rephrase a statement. Yes, that small.


  • Conduct a Code Review - Conducting code reviews is an excellent method to analyze how you would have performed a task if you didn't have to finish it. (The best sensation) Furthermore, checking out your colleague's work may enhance your sense of accountability when you write code.


  • Report Bugs - (Because who doesn't like to search for the wrong things 😅) Reporting a bug is a contribution. Bug reporting also gets you thinking about ways to enhance a project, which may inspire you to think of additional ways to improve it.  


  • Inbox Zero - Getting emails out of my inbox is motivating, or maybe some other forms of messages (my WhatsApp / Telegram and Discord, for example, are full of unread messages). Get as near to your inbox zero as possible.


  • Contribute a Minor Fix - Not every PR must include a new feature. Even if the change is minor, submit it. Not every pull request needs to revolutionize the world.


  • Start a Discord/Slack conversation - Sometimes, just talking is enough to give ideas and motivate to jump into coding. It could be about anything! Start even with sharing about your last meal or movie you watched.


Little victories are all about doing anything to generate a sense of accomplishment and momentum. There is no work too minor or beneath your title to be considered a win!


Schedule Quick Meetings and Pair Program


Meetings, particularly pair programming, are a terrific method to invoke accountability and motivation. You're forced to show up, you're pushed to perform, and you can ask questions and bounce ideas around.These gentle nudges are an excellent approach to boosting motivation and enthusiasm. Being with someone else also takes away the sensation of being on an island where everyone counts on you to fulfill your responsibilities.


Contribute to Passions


Contributing to initiatives that align with your passions, whether inside or outside your company, is an excellent way to start the day feeling positive and productive. The endorphins of coding in your comfort zone and the small victories resulting from that effort serve as a ramp for completing things you aren't as enthused or confident about.


Talk to Your Manager and Colleagues: They Care!


Even the worst bosses won't put you in a position to fail; if the job isn't done well or on schedule, it's also their problem. Your manager and coworkers trust you to complete assignments, and they won't throw difficulties at you that they don't think you'll be able to handle. If you believe an issue is beyond your abilities, whether or not you have Impostor Syndrome, you should speak with your management or coworkers as soon as possible. Your manager and coworkers will reassure you that you are capable and, more importantly, will assist you in planning how to begin tackling the problem.


Remember: no teammate wishes to see you fail, so they'll gladly assist you in getting back on track. If it isn't the case - maybe it's time to reconsider your work environment.


Your Work does not define you!Work is only a tiny part of your life.


Impostor Syndrome does not go away, and if it does, it means we've gotten cocky or arrogant, both of which are far worse outcomes. Whatever your industry, position, or degree of expertise, overcoming Impostor Syndrome (even if just for a day) is all about small victories that prepare you for greater responsibilities. Keep punching and chipping away at that evil until you've overcome it. You're wiser and more critical than your Impostor Syndrome will let you believe.

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