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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 10: Monitoring Station

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Jon Bristow • Edited

Ahh... that's better... More Sealed Classes/Discriminated Unions to the rescue. Managed to cut a lot of duplicated code out.

import Day10.destruction
import Day10.mostVisible
import arrow.core.andThen
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.atan
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

private fun Point.slope(b: Point) = (y - b.y).toDouble() / (x - b.x).toDouble()
private fun Point.distance(b: Point) =
    sqrt(abs(x.toDouble() - b.x.toDouble()).pow(2.0) + abs(y.toDouble() - b.y.toDouble()).pow(2.0))

private fun Point.anglePair(entry: Map.Entry<EuclideanGrouping, List<Point>>) = entry.key.anglePair(this, entry.value)

private fun Point.countByGroup(entry: Map.Entry<EuclideanGrouping, List<Point>>) = entry.key.count(this, entry.value)

sealed class EuclideanGrouping
object Down : EuclideanGrouping()
object DownLeft : EuclideanGrouping()
object DownRight : EuclideanGrouping()
object Left : EuclideanGrouping()
object Right : EuclideanGrouping()
object Up : EuclideanGrouping()
object UpLeft : EuclideanGrouping()
object UpRight : EuclideanGrouping()

fun Point.mapEuclideanGroup(other: Point): EuclideanGrouping {
    return when {
        other.x > x && other.y > y -> DownRight
        other.x > x && other.y < y -> UpRight
        other.x > x && other.y == y -> Right
        other.x < x && other.y > y -> DownLeft
        other.x < x && other.y < y -> UpLeft
        other.x < x && other.y == y -> Left
        other.x == x && other.y > y -> Down
        other.x == x && other.y < y -> Up
        else -> throw Error("Invalid point comparison: $this to $other")

fun Point.sortByDistanceFromKeyValue(entry: Map.Entry<Double, List<Point>>) =
    entry.key to entry.value.sortedBy(this::distance)

fun Point.radiansConverter(offset: Double) = { p: Point -> (atan(p.slope(this)) + offset) }

private fun EuclideanGrouping.anglePair(station: Point, list: List<Point>) =
    when (this) {
        Up -> listOf(0.0 to list)
        Down -> listOf(PI to list)
        DownLeft, UpLeft -> list.groupBy(station.radiansConverter(3 * PI / 2))
        DownRight, UpRight -> list.groupBy(station.radiansConverter(PI / 2))
        Left -> listOf(3 * PI / 2 to list)
        Right -> listOf(PI / 2 to list)

fun EuclideanGrouping.count(station: Point, list: List<Point>) = when (this) {
    Up, Down, Left, Right -> list.take(1).count()
    DownLeft, DownRight, UpLeft, UpRight -> list.groupBy { station.slope(it) }.count { (_, v) -> v.any() }

object Day10 {

    private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day10.txt"
    val fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).onlyAsteroids()

    private fun List<String>.onlyAsteroids() =
        mapIndexed { y, row -> row.mapIndexed { x, c -> Point(x, y) to c } }.flatten()
            .filter(Pair<Point, Char>::second andThen '#'::equals)
            .map(Pair<Point, Char>::first)

    fun mostVisible(data: List<Point>) = { station ->
            station to data.asSequence().filterNot(station::equals).groupBy(station::mapEuclideanGroup).asSequence()
        }.maxBy { it.second }

    fun destruction(data: List<Point>): Int {
        val station = Point(20, 20)
        val groupedAsteroids =

        val initial = emptyList<Point>() to groupedAsteroids.sortedBy { it.first }
        return (0..(groupedAsteroids.maxBy { it.second.size }?.second?.size ?: 0))
            .fold(initial) { (destroyed, remaining), _ ->
                val nextDestroyed = destroyed + remaining.flatMap { (_, list) -> list.take(1) }
                val nextRemaining = { (angle, list) -> angle to list.drop(1) }
                nextDestroyed to nextRemaining
            .let { it.x * 100 + it.y }

fun main() {