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Meyhar Kaur Walia
Meyhar Kaur Walia

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5 Killer Habits- Be a Rebel

"5 Killer Habits", by Sree Krishna Seelam, based on his personal experiences is a comprehensive guide on developing habits for personal growth and development. The book is divided into 5 chapters that discuss 5 habits: discipline, volunteering, traveling, reading and exploring. Seelam shares an array of practical examples and actionable strategies that will inspire the reader to adopt these habits to work through challenges to achieve their desired results. There’s always a rationale behind as to ‘why’ inculcating these habits are crucial. Consistency and mental focus are key to making life changes last according to the author.

Our routine has a direct impact on our health, and can lead to depression and other issues. With an average sleep duration of seven hours, India ranks as the second most sleep-deprived country. He emphasizes that the first path to success is discipline and exercise. Seelam proceeds to the next essential habit, which is “being a hero”, which entails volunteering to benefit society. He has defined what being ‘respected’ truly means. which is not our wealth, influence, or power, nor is it how people feel about us; rather, respect is earned only when we offer what we have. It is not only that volunteering for social causes broaden our horizons and uplift our well-being, it also open doors for further opportunities through networking.

‘Dromos’ meaning journey and ‘Manic’ meaning being an enthusiast. According to Seelam, being a "Dromomania," or an extreme passion for travel, is another crucial habit. One can learn far more from the experiences gained through traveling than from simply sitting and memorizing academic textbooks. In this chapter, the author has unravelled his travels filled with spontaneity and personal growth. Travel makes one more aware of and appreciative of the small things we often take for granted. Traveling solo, especially, helps build self-confidence. It involves understanding what motivates different people and cultures.

The fourth chapter is centred around the habit of reading. The title of the chapter ‘Live a 100 Lives’ is a metaphor indicating one who reads lives 100 lives through different characters and emotions. It lets one perceive the world from many perspectives and increases empathy. Reading autobiographies and non-fiction works in particular helps us to extend our perspective because we may learn a lot from their struggles, experiences, and other things.

An important aspect highlighted in the book is how one’s upbringing shapes one’s personality. Being taught the right values at a young age is crucial, otherwise it can lead to a disturbed adult life. People become so caught up in their careers, the pressures of starting a family, and taking care of others that they end up living a life filled with regrets over things they wished they had done. The book, ‘5 Killer Habits’ is a guide for everyone seeking to bring an improvement in their life and how just focusing on simple habits can bring a huge impact. It’s about making small changes that lead to lasting advancement in every area of life.

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