DEV Community

Discussion on: Vue 3 Composition API – The Wrong Solution To The Right Problem

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muelbr • Edited

Vue 3 and the Composition API is not going towards React, it is going towards the platform (ES-Proxies for Reactivity, reusable within ES-Modules). And Vue has never been "between React and Angular" (perhaps between AngularJS), because Angular has nothing to do with the platform. It's the GWT successor and tries to completely abstract the platform - it would not matter if it uses Java, Dart (there is IMHO an Angular-Dart project inside Google) or TS. Since TS is something close to Java there is no need for a Java-Compiler. But with all its proprietary stuff like Class-based Components, Annotations, Dependency-Injection, Modularization, Observables etc. it is far from Vue per definition.