DEV Community

Discussion on: Which do you prefer? ESLint or Prettier or both?

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Eslint and Prettier. Eslint for non-formatting rules and Prettier for formatting.

You can check the setup in my blog if you're interested.

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Source code for my web site

Netlify Status

Hey there, I'm Nick and this is my site's source code. This site started off as a clone of the Netlify CMS Gatsby Starter (check it out!). Since then, I've tweaked it a lot and converted the codebase to TypeScript.

Feel free to peruse the code and/or fork it. 😉

Thanks to all the wonderful projects that made it possible to build this blog.

To get up and running:

  • clone the repository by running git clone or git clone
  • run npm install
  • run npm run develop to get up and running with the Gatsby development server.
  • Since the project uses Babel and not TypeScript as the compiler, a separate process is required to run type checking. Open another terminal and run npm run type-check:watch
  • If you're curious about why the Netlify CMS admin…