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Tips And Trick For Cost Optimization In AWS

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Amazon Web Services or AWS includes computing, security, and databases that are often required to build and run different applications and services. AWS lets you pay only for the resources that you use, and helps to eliminate the upfront investments that you need in hardware.

Cost optimization in Amazon Web Services (AWS) indicates the procedure in which you reduce or manage the costs related to the AWS cloud computing platform. Cost optimization is achieved using various means like choosing the right instances type and storage classes, utilizing reserved and spot instances, monitoring resource utilization, and others.

Ways to Optimize Costs in AWS and Save Money

The main objective of cost optimization in AWS is to confirm that you are using the right collection of services plus your workload resources. It includes using all the services and resources while keeping your costs under control.

This involves various strategies that are needed to optimize your costs and we will help know the most important ones.

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- Right-Sizing

Right-sizing in AWS means choosing the appropriate instance type for your workload depending on the resource requirements of your application. The objective is to confirm that the instance type you select has the necessary resources to efficiently run your application.

Plus, it will also avoid over-provisioning which may result in higher costs. Right-sizing also includes monitoring your instances from time to time and making adjustments that are required to ensure that every resource is used optimally.

- Use Spot Instances

When you use spot instances in AWS, it allows you to take advantage of unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) capacity at a lower cost as compared to on-demand instances.

Spot Instances can be bid on and launched when the Spot price is lower than the bid price. If the Spot price goes over the bid price, the Spot Instance will be stopped and the instance will be stopped as well.

  • Use Reserved Instances

Using Reserved Instances in AWS can assist in cost optimization because they offer a discounted rate as compared to On-Demand instances, meanwhile still providing the flexibility to launch instances as required.

Reserved Instances are Amazon EC2 instances that you can reserve for a one or three-year term, providing a significant discount as compared to on-demand instances.

- Delete Unattached EBS

Deleting and un-attaching the Amazon EBS volumes help you to get charged only for the storage you use. When you remove an Amazon EBS volume, you terminate incurring charges for the storage, however, any data on the volume is lost.

- Check your Bill for all the Top Spend Line Items

When you check your AWS bill for all the top spend items, it will help you to determine areas where you can decrease costs and create more informed decisions about your AWS services usage. AWS provides detailed billing and cost management reports, allowing you to identify exactly where your money is being spent.

- Stop 24/7, Unutilized Non Prod EC2s

This is a cost optimization strategy for Amazon Web Services that includes terminating all EC2 instances that are not being used. It will help you to save your money and have an investment in resourceful aspects.

Some Bonus Tips

Here are some general tips that you should follow while cost optimization in AWS.

  • Use Caches instead DB/Services rounds.
  • Try to use NoSql over Sql.
  • In Infra use a periodical Scheduler to ScaleUp and ScaleDown .I can guarantee you it will save a lot of cost.
  • Do not over engineered your Infra.
  • Spread Cost Awareness across Teams.
  • Reward Cost Optimised Teams.
  • Re-architect Applications.
  • Everyone in your team Should Be Responsible for the Infra Costs.


Cost optimization in AWS includes a collection of strategies that will help the applications run smoothly with the available resources while having a check on costs spent.

When you apply these strategies, organisations can significantly optimise their AWS costs and confirm that they are only investing in the resources they really need. Regular monitoring and optimization are extremely important to understand ongoing cost savings and maximising the advantages of AWS.

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