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Santiago L for Reconmap

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Reconmap 1.5.0 release notes

We are excited to share release notes for Reconmap 1.5.0, immediately available on Github.
Version 1.5.0 marks the transition from a pure vulnerability management and penetration testing (VAPT) platform to a more general collaboration platform for security teams of all sorts, including the so called Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). More on this on future posts!

Now let's talk about what's included in this release:

Configurable project categories

Previous versions assumed the projects created were pentest related, which is fair enough as that what Reconmap was created for. But overtime we have observed our users and our own use of Reconmap and realised that there is no reason why infosec could use our platform for other type of projects.

Since 1.5.0 now they can pick from this new list, or add additional project categories:

Configurable project categories

Hundred new commands

900s new commands were imported from the awesome project into Reconmap. This pushed us to add pagination, better search, sorting and so on to the command pages as it was otherwise impossible to find the right security command amongst the long list.

Security command database

The 963 commands from Orange Cyberdefense are not loaded into Reconmap instances by default, but you can import them taking the file that we published openly (like everything we do) here.

Searchable command dropdown

With security command databases this large it is impossible to find the right command in a regular dropdown without losing patience. Fortunately, we implemented an autocompleter that allows you to find the right command by just typing a
few characters from the name or the description.

Searchable command dropdown

General fixes and improvements

Of course that was not all. We fixed some problems reported and made small improvements here and there, like the pagination jumps to any page, upgrade to React18 which brings performance improvements in the browser, and better handling of table relationships in the database.

Digital Tech 2022 awards

We are very proud of our achievement as finalists in the Digital Tech 2022 awards within the Open Source category, sponsored by OpenUK. The winner will be revealed on the 12th of May, wish us luck! :)

Security hall of fame

We have introduced a tiny section (for now) in our security file to credit security researchers who have responsibly reported issues in our product. We appreciate all their support and help in making Reconmap a more robust software for everyone. Thanks!

Kudos to:

Support Reconmap

If you like what we do please consider supporting us by starring our project on Github, sharing the project with colleagues and reporting any issues or feature requests.

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