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Discussion on: Write Better Code With [Functional Programming & Elixir]

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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Anthony Gonzalez

I guess you mean to remove the can_drink() function and rename legal() to can_drink() like the example below:

defmodule Person do
  def can_drink(age) when is_nil(age), do: "You're not a Person"
  def can_drink(age) when age < 18, do: "Nope!"
  def can_drink(age) when age < 21, do: "Not in the US!"
  def can_drink(age) when age >= 21, do: "YES!!!"

IO.puts Person.can_drink(age)
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You're right, but I thought that would've make more sense, more readable, and a little bit less confusing for people coming from other languages, the way I did it.