🔍 What is Hydration & Why is it Important?
🧪 Hydration is the process where client-side JavaScript takes over the server-rendered HTML to make it interactive. This ensures React can “attach” event listeners to the existing HTML without recreating it.
⚡ In Next.js, hydration allows faster page loads as the initial HTML is generated server-side (SSR). However, the client and server DOM must match exactly. If they don’t, hydration errors occur, disrupting the user experience.
✅ Why It Matters: Hydration combines the performance of SSR with the interactivity of React. Debugging hydration issues is critical to maintaining these benefits.
🛠️ Hydration Errors: An Example
Imagine creating a tabbed interface. Here’s a generic example:
🚩 Problematic Code
"use client";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import TabLayout from "@/src/components/tab-layout";
const TabbedInterface: React.FC = () => {
const tabs = [
{ value: "tab1", label: "Tab 1" },
{ value: "tab2", label: "Tab 2" },
{ value: "tab3", label: "Tab 3" },
const tabContent = {
tab1: <div>Content for Tab 1</div>,
tab2: <div>Content for Tab 2</div>,
tab3: <div>Content for Tab 3</div>,
const getInitialTab = () => {
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
const hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
return tabs.some((tab) => tab.value === hash) ? hash : "tab1";
return "tab1";
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(getInitialTab());
const handleTabChange = (tabValue: string) => {
window.history.replaceState(null, "", `#${tabValue}`);
useEffect(() => {
const handleHashChange = () => {
const hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
if (tabs.some((tab) => tab.value === hash)) {
window.addEventListener("hashchange", handleHashChange);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("hashchange", handleHashChange);
}, []);
return (
<div className="space-y-5 h-full">
<TabLayout tabs={tabs} tabContent={tabContent} defaultTab={activeTab} onTabChange={handleTabChange} />
export default TabbedInterface;
❓ Looks Correct, But What About the Browser?
The above code may appear fine, but it can lead to:
Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
💡 Why This Happens
The server-rendered HTML differs from what React renders during hydration due to:
🌐 Client-Side Only Logic
getInitialTab uses window.location, available only on the client. The server defaults to "tab1", but the client may derive a different value, causing a mismatch.🧩 Tab Mismatch
Tabs component’s defaultValue may not match the dynamically updated activeTab after hydration.
3 . ️ Hash Changes
The useEffect hook adjusts activeTab based on window.location.hash, but this happens post-hydration, leading to transient mismatches.
🔧 How to Fix the Hydration Issue
🛠️ Solution 1: Initialize State After Hydration
Ensure activeTab initializes consistently on both server and client:
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState("tab1");
useEffect(() => {
const hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
if (tabs.some((tab) => tab.value === hash)) {
}, []);
🛠️ Solution 2: Controlled Tab State
Use activeTab as a controlled value in TabLayout to ensure consistency:
🛠️ Solution 3: Avoid SSR Logic with window
Avoid using browser-specific APIs like window during SSR. For example:
const getInitialTab = () => "tab1";
✅ Final Working Code
Tabbed Interface Component
"use client";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import TabLayout from "@/src/components/tab-layout";
const TabbedInterface: React.FC = () => {
const tabs = [
{ value: "tab1", label: "Tab 1" },
{ value: "tab2", label: "Tab 2" },
{ value: "tab3", label: "Tab 3" },
const tabContent = {
tab1: <div>Content for Tab 1</div>,
tab2: <div>Content for Tab 2</div>,
tab3: <div>Content for Tab 3</div>,
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState("tab1");
useEffect(() => {
const hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
if (tabs.some((tab) => tab.value === hash)) {
}, []);
const handleTabChange = (tabValue: string) => {
window.history.replaceState(null, "", `#${tabValue}`);
return (
<div className="space-y-5 h-full">
export default TabbedInterface;
By addressing hydration errors, you ensure your Next.js app runs smoothly and delivers an excellent user experience. Understanding the interplay between SSR and hydration is key to fixing these tricky issues. 🚀
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