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Ryan The Ghost
Ryan The Ghost

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πŸ±β€πŸ‘“The Real test , Sb3 VS Vscode(Must watch) #1

Hey everyone !
I'm going to make three parts of this article about me developing for 3 days , and the lines added, lines removed, and time spent in the text editor.

πŸ±β€πŸš€ Why is this the best Sb3 vs Vscode Article ?

Simple , People talk about pros and cons, I'm talking about productivity, time spent, and what really matters.

πŸ±β€πŸ‘€ Lets get started!!

πŸ±β€πŸ‰ Sublime text

Up first is sublime text, Note i'm putting a timer for 45 minutes and we will see who is the winner.
Here are the stats:

Code time today : 44 min
2569 Keypresses
This stat is by a SB3 extension it's really bad

Here is some more info!
Code time 50 m ⬇ 31% vs. 90-day avg (1 hr 13 m)
Active code time 44 m ⬆ 50% vs. 90-day avg (29 m)
Lines added 775 ⬆ 29% vs. 90-day avg
Lines removed 37 ⬇ 53% vs. 90-day avg
Keystrokes 2411 πŸš€ 270% vs. 90-day avg
This stat is by a vscode extension, somehow it was very smart and did the job for us!!

Sadly i didn't have a lot of stats, i am using 2 SB3 packages if you guys know any better one please tell me!!!

πŸ±β€πŸ’» Visual studio Code

~Unlike SB3 I have much better stats!~

Code time 1 hr 31 m ⬆ 25% vs. 90-day avg (1 hr 13 m)
Active code time 1 hr 24 m πŸš€ 185% vs. 90-day avg (29 m)
Lines added 1039 ⬆ 72% vs. 90-day avg
Lines removed 60 ⬇ 24% vs. 90-day avg
Keystrokes 4511 πŸš€ 592% vs. 90-day avg

πŸ™Œ The winner !

Visual Studio Code!!

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