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Discussion on: Don't let your mind steal your time

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Tarkan Nielsen

This is a great post. I've found that procrastination is my biggest enemy. I've missed deadlines, handed over projects to other developers and wasted tons of time procrastinating. Tons of the points you bring up hit me right on the nail. I have however found that being self aware when I procrastinate still doesn't stop me from doing so.

As someone who has done work remotely exclusively for the past 5 years, I must say that changing your environment and removing distractions is the single best advice. I've recently started studying and the only place I can keep a calm mind and do even the most tedious of tasks without procrastinating, is at school on my laptop with my noise canceling headphones on. However when I get back home again, I've got access to my desktop with multiple monitors, too many messenger apps and my game of choice Overwatch. My home environment is probably my biggest hurdle and I think I will just need to stop working remotely.

I like the idea of putting more tedious tasks in front of the fun or quick parts, as that's usually what causes me to stop working on projects when I'm 80% done, due to the fact that the last 20% is extremely tedious.

And lastly getting a good night's sleep. I feel like this comes hand in hand with not working too much. I've found myself staying up almost till the morning multiple days in a row, just because I excited about a new project. However this leaves little to no time for anything else including your sleep and in the end you lose motivation and burn out within the first week or two.