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Discussion on: Cures for burnouts??

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Kacper Turowski

The best cure for burnouts is of course preventing them. Surprisingly, you can do this with the very same methods you can use to heal from the burnouts - except you avoid the crash and get to keep your creativity flowing.

I wouldn't say watching anime is necessarily a good cure (or a cure at all). If anything, it just lets you pass time until you recover. Of course it's important to slack off from time to time. As long as it's something you need.

But if I were to say what actually heals burnouts, it's staying productive but differently.

For example, go exercise. It's very healthy anyway, grab those endorphins. If you already do exercise, schedule extra sessions and spend that bonus time doing exercises you really enjoy, so you feel it's rewarding.

Maybe learn a new language. This requires you to adapt your mentality slightly and I found that learning languages broadens my perspective bit by bit. An hour a day is more than enough to learn. You can also pick up any other skill - cooking, instruments, writing...

Then, there's the activities that help you "re-center" yourself. I've seen meditation already mentioned, that's a great one. You can also do yoga, it does help tremondously - not only your mind but also flexibility.

So, take walks through natural environment. Even a park can suffice. Leave your airpods at home and phone on mute in your pocket. Focus on the outside of your head instead. Hear the noises, birds chirping, wind rustling through the tree crowns. Enjoy the sights, maybe pull out that phone to shoot some photos and start an album of interesting perspectives of your mundane world. I love doing urban photography. Just leave those notifications alone.

Maybe pick up a small ritual. For example I usually drink instant coffee because I'm a lazy twit, but I often do a ritualistic brewing. I use my special mug, clean my kitchen first. I grind the beans manually, boil the water and let it cool down a bit... then drink it with intent. It takes about 15 minutes to make a coffee this way.

Also, avoid using the electronics when you're doing something else. A lot of our stress and burnout comes from not only our work but also constant stream of distractions. Don't take your phone to the loo, don't watch TV when eating dinner. Be mindful of your current thing instead. Start to see the things you do and be more present in the now. Slow down, take a breath, then move on.