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Vivek Singh
Vivek Singh

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

10 Front-end Interview Questions You Should Know About with Answers

As a front-end developer, you’ll be responsible for creating the visual and interactive elements of a website or application. This can include everything from layout and design to animations and user interactions. Because of the wide range of skills required for this role, it’s important to be prepared for a variety of interview questions. Here are 10 front-end interview questions you should know about:

  1. Can you explain the difference between responsive and adaptive design?

Responsive design is when the layout of a website or application adjusts to fit the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on, while adaptive design involves creating specific layouts for different screen sizes.

2. How do you optimize the load time of a website?

There are many techniques that can be used to optimize the load time of a website, such as compressing images, minifying code, and using a content delivery network (CDN).

3. How do you approach cross-browser compatibility issues?

Cross-browser compatibility issues can be caused by differences in the way different browsers interpret HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To address these issues, developers should use feature detection and progressive enhancement techniques, and also test their code on a variety of browsers.

4. Can you explain the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?

Progressive enhancement is a technique where developers build a website or application that is accessible to all users, with added features for users with more capable browsers. Graceful degradation is when a website or application is built to take advantage of the latest features, but still functions for users with older browsers

5. How do you implement responsive images?

There are several ways to implement responsive images, including using CSS to change the size of images, using the HTML element, and using JavaScript to change the source of an image based on the viewport size.

6. Can you explain the box model in CSS?

The box model in CSS describes the size and position of elements on a web page. It consists of content, padding, borders, and margins.

7. How do you implement accessibility on a website?

Accessibility can be implemented on a website by using semantic HTML, providing alternative text for images, using ARIA attributes, and providing proper contrast and font sizes.

8. Can you explain the difference between CSS animations and JavaScript animations?

CSS animations are defined in CSS and are triggered by changes to the element’s state or by events, while JavaScript animations are created using JavaScript and can be triggered by events or through direct manipulation of the element’s properties.

9. How do you debug a website in different browsers?

To debug a website in different browsers, developers can use browser developer tools, such as Chrome Developer Tools or Firefox Developer Tools, which allow for the inspection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

10. How do you keep your front-end skills up to date?

To keep front-end skills up to date, developers can stay informed about new technologies and updates through various sources like blogs, podcasts, conferences, and social media. They can also practice by experimenting with new technologies and taking on personal projects.

It’s important to note that these are just a sample of the types of questions that you may encounter during a front-end interview, and the actual questions will depend on the company and the specific role you are applying for. However, by familiarizing yourself with these concepts and having examples of your work to showcase, you’ll be well-prepared to impress potential employers.

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