DEV Community

Discussion on: Twitter Is the Afterparty

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Whenever I read something from Ben I have a little more faith that tomorrow's tech is going be better than yesterday (pepperidge). Not a shill, but will say what I want (good & bad). Dev team is thoughtful not platitude-y & that is about to matter more than ever.

Figure out what you are tweeting for (esp. as a dev) & tweet with very specific purpose. Too much of twitter is just people shouting random stuff into a void for attention/points which never works. Life is way too short for 30k pointless tweets.

Speak like you would do to others in real life, My policy: don't call anyone an anything unless you would do it to their face. I generally don't have many problems with tech/social media with these simple rules. Once you pass a certain scale or do work in controversial industries, there is always some hassle. Notifications off (login & batch look).

None of this will help your twitter grow but will make it more boring. If you struggle mentally, twitter is very unlikely to help.