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Discussion on: How do you stay up-to-date as a software developer who is slow in learning?

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David • Edited

There are things that I absolutely suck at or are slow at. There are things I don't understand why a company would choose when not at scale and this includes adopting distributed systems problems then end up having to deploy infrastructures to orchestrate it -- like Zookeeper and Kafka. Am I familiar with them? Sure, but do I actively try to learn about them? No.

I think it's important to know where technologies stand and PRECISELY what problems they help solve at what cost -- nothing is zero-cost and everything has a trade-off. There are no silver bullets or panaceas.

Some of the things that you've mentioned don't come around THAT often. How were we doing things prior to Docker? Hypervisors and VMs like Vagrant and VirtualBox -- still useful, but know why. Knowing the "why" behind technologies has helped me bucket them into where they rank in a constantly shifting mental priority list that I have. I was using Homebrew to manage services like MySQL, Postgres, Redis, etc before, but always ran into issues when I found myself working across different projects with different dependencies on different versions. Now, a simple docker-compose.yml in each of my project's roots make this a breeze! If you can't answer the question about where K8s fits into the topology of an organization, it's probably not yet worth learning. Otherwise the thing that hinders our learning becomes, "why can't they do it this old way and make it so damned annoying for me to develop software here?"

I think it would do you some good to read a book titled, "Designing Data Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppman. It's given me a lot of insight into distributed systems and the pitfalls and challenges that come with them.

The primary way that I stay up to date -- Hacker News. I pop open every discussion link on a headline that seems interesting, read through the comments to see if it's interesting and decide whether to visit the original link. I also primarily follow people in technology that I respect -- less so the moguls and CEOs, and more so the people whose software/work that I admire and are typically open-source. I also read through my GitHub feed of those people that I follow and look at what they've ⭐️'d or left comments on. I've learned a lot over the years from simply these three sources and do it enough, and the human brain, slow or fast, will recognize patterns, like things that keep popping up