DEV Community

Discussion on: Adding real-time updates to your Laravel and Vue apps with laravel-websockets

yellow1912 profile image

It just happens that I'm researching this for my Symfony app as well. There are several options I looked into:

  1. Mercure: default support for Symfony, it's open source but the free version does not support clustering so future growth can be limited.
  2. Pushpin: this looks really interesting because it adds a proxy level on top of traditional app so you can just use Symfony app as you have always done.
  3. Swoole: a php extension that super charge your php and allow it to handle concurrency even better than nodejs. I'm using swoole anyway so this is a viable path.
  4. Nchan: nginx extension to support websocket, long poll, interval poll etc. It is capable of handling huge amount of workload.

At the moment, I'm opting for nchan. Swoole is nice as well but I will have to cook up my own solution so nchan is a battle tested solution. Pushpin is also interesting and it has the paid version that seems reasonable (cheaper than Mercure imo). If I fail with nchan I may go with pushpin.