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I love both, but i can't choose

Until last week, I was learning Redux in react js and my focus was on the front end, and I had already decided that instead of going forward with the full stack at the same time as the front end and the back end, I would choose a path in order to get deeper into it and with a whole conflict. I chose the front end path to continue the path, but since I woke up in the morning last week, everything changed for me, the conflict that I had before started again and to this day I am struggling with myself.
And I'm still in doubt and I don't know which path to take to become a professional in my field

I want to see what you think? php and laravel or react and next js?

Top comments (1)

elanatframework profile image

Learn front-end and back-end together.

For back-end, you can use the CodeBehind framework.

CodeBehind framework is much more powerful and simpler than laravel.