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Jan Gazda

I solve problems, usually with Python. Organize PyAmsterdam python meetups.

Location Amsterdam Joined Joined on  Personal website github website


Freelance engineer

Remote/Virtual pair programming

Remote/Virtual pair programming

3 min read

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AWS Glue first experience - part 5 - Glue Workflow, monitoring and rants

AWS Glue first experience - part 5 - Glue Workflow, monitoring and rants

Comments 2
5 min read
AWS Glue first experience - part 4 - Deployment & packaging

AWS Glue first experience - part 4 - Deployment & packaging

Comments 1
5 min read
AWS Glue first experience - part 3 - Arguments & Logging

AWS Glue first experience - part 3 - Arguments & Logging

Comments 2
5 min read
AWS Glue first experience - part 2 - Dependencies and guts

AWS Glue first experience - part 2 - Dependencies and guts

Comments 1
9 min read
AWS Glue first experience - part 1 - How to run your code?

AWS Glue first experience - part 1 - How to run your code?

Comments 4
2 min read