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Arooj Kanwal
Arooj Kanwal

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Burnout Warning Signs: What We Often Overlook

I remember the first time I felt the weight of burnout, though I didn’t recognize it at the time. It was a regular Tuesday morning, and I was sitting at my desk, surrounded by the usual hum of the office. I had always prided myself on my productivity, constantly pushing myself to meet deadlines and deliver top-notch work. However, that morning felt different. I had been working overtime for weeks, responding to work emails late into the night, even on weekends. It seemed normal, just part of the job. But was it really?

As I sipped my coffee, I brushed off the nagging feeling of stress that had been building up. “It’s just part of the job,” I told myself. But in truth, I was unknowingly embracing a dangerous culture—burnout culture. Here are the crucial signs that I, and many others, often miss until it’s too late.

1. Constant Overtime

Working late into the night and on weekends had become my norm rather than the exception. At first, it felt like dedication, but slowly it started to erode my personal life, leaving little room for anything else.

2. Always Being Available

Constantly checking emails and responding to work-related messages, even during off-hours, had become second nature. My work-life balance was non-existent, and I didn’t even realize it was a problem.

3. Perfectionism and Overcommitting

Striving for flawless results on every task, no matter how small, added immense pressure. Saying “yes” to every request or project, even when I was already overloaded, became a habit. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, but in the process, I was disappointing myself by not setting boundaries.

4. Ignoring Stress and Guilt

I got used to brushing off feelings of stress and exhaustion, convincing myself that it was just “part of the job.” Taking breaks, vacations, or prioritizing self-care felt like a betrayal of my work ethic. I felt guilty for needing time to recharge, even though it was essential for my well-being.

5. Losing Passion

Gradually, the joy and passion I once had for my work started to fade. What was once exciting and fulfilling became a source of dread and fatigue.


The Wake-Up Call

That Tuesday morning was my wake-up call. As I sat there, overwhelmed and exhausted, I realized that something had to change. I needed to recognize these signs of burnout culture and take steps to reclaim my well-being. It wasn’t easy, but acknowledging the problem was the first step toward finding a solution.

If you see yourself in any of these signs, take it seriously. Burnout culture can seem harmless at first glance, but it can lead to long-term damage if left unchecked. Prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and don’t be afraid to seek help. Remember, your well-being is just as important as your work.

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