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How Did I Become a Developer Advocate?

Rizèl Scarlett on February 06, 2022

Ever since I posted this tweet, friends, acquaintances, and random strangers have reached out to me asking some version of the same question: "How...
codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

Very cool!

I love how the experiences we have can be so radically different and lead to similar places.

Most people just ask me: "What the hell is a developer advocate? What do you do?". I think my journey is a bit too intimidating for most developers so they feel they can't pick up this field. Bookmarked your post as it seems like a more friendly/accessible introduction.

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Yay, I'm glad that it's a friendly introduction, and it is crazy how all these different paths can lead to developer advocacy. It's extremely hard to help people get into this role, so this blog post was the best I could do. Hopefully, in the future, I'll have better advice.

codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

It's already great!

nilnayan6 profile image
nil nayan


nilnayan6 profile image
nil nayan


pavanbelagatti profile image
Pavan Belagatti

Amazing, I can connect with you. I got hired as a developer advocate at Harness last year in December and it's a fun space to be. Helping developers and customers pick the best solutions and helping them solve their problems make me feel good about what I am doing.

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

I would love to connect with you!! It is such a fun space.

anthonyjdella profile image

Nice post! It takes time and perseverance. Stuff won't happen overnight.

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Yeah, sometimes for some people it happens overnight, but for my life -- I've had to work hard at it.

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi • Edited

madam how did you make the cartoon character on the thumbnail. I mean how to make the anime character with out illustrator or photoshop? Plz Ans me madam 🙏.

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Ha, I used bitmoji and Snapchat. That's just my character on Snapchat, and then I downloaded the bitmoji extension and copied and pasted the image of the character onto Canva.

Here's the link to the bitmoji extension:
Here's the link to Canva:

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

thanks madam 😊😊😊

kwing25 profile image
Kendra Wing

I love your post!

I really appreciate reading about your journey and getting advice. You have a lot of great knowledge and insight in the Dev Relations realm. I'm a new Developer grad and Developer Advocacy really appeals to me. I worked in customer service before graduating and the idea of using that experience with my new coding skills in a new career is really appealing.

Do you have any advice on how to find a knowledgable Developer Advocate that would mentor a newbie?

hugoeft profile image

Hi, love this post, full of experiences, what a journey!
By the way,, the most powerful merge queue for GitHub (offering speculative checks, batch merges, and multiple queueing options) is looking for a new developer advocate!
Contact me if you are interested! :)

nicolerae profile image
Nicole Rae Drummond

Thank you for sharing your path, Rizèl - so inspiring!

emma_donery profile image
Emma Donery

Inspiring.#Do not sell yourself short. Thank you for this amazing article. Developer advocate has always been my dream job

leob profile image

Not an easy trajectory - hats off for keeping your head down and seeing it through ... you've certainly put in the work, to use an understatement!

nilnayan6 profile image
nil nayan

very cool

nilnayan6 profile image
nil nayan
