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Chiheb Nabil
Chiheb Nabil

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OpenAI API Mock for Devs on a Budget

Hey, fellow devs! Ever been working on a project, eager to test your OpenAI integration, only to be held back by the dreaded API call limits? Well, fear not! I've got a nifty solution for you, and it involves a touch of magic and a dash of mock-tastic sorcery.

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Introducing OpenAI API Mock

Say hello to openai-api-mock, a Node.js module that's here to turn your development environment into a playground for all your OpenAI API dreams. No more worrying about unnecessary API charges during testing – it's time to unleash the power of mock responses!

🌟 Why Did I Create This Module?

Picture this: you're knee-deep in developing a project, excited to test your OpenAI integration. However, you hit a roadblock – the dreaded API call limits.

Here's the twist – I needed a way to mock API responses, especially when dealing with function-calling structured responses & API costs can spiral during development and testing phases, and I yearned for a tool that could empower developers to experiment freely with OpenAI without the fear of skyrocketing bills. Thus, openai-api-mock was born,

🎩 How to Work Your Mock Magic

Step 1: Install the Wizardry

Start by installing this enchanting module using npm. Open your terminal and type:

npm install -D openai-api-mock
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Step 2: Summon the Mock Response

In your JavaScript file, conjure the mock response with a simple incantation:

const { mockOpenAIResponse } = require('openai-api-mock');
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Now, every time your code attempts to make an OpenAI API call, it will receive a magical mock response. No API call limits, no charges – just pure wizardry at play!

🧐 What's Under the Hood?

This magical module depends on the powers of nock for intercepting HTTP calls and @faker-js/faker for generating fake data. It's a dynamic duo ensuring your OpenAI API calls are met with whimsical responses.

πŸš€ Conclusion
With the power of mock responses in your hands, you're ready to take your OpenAI journey to new heights without worrying about the cost. openai-api-mock is here to make your development experience enchanting and budget-friendly.

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