DEV Community

Christian Vasquez
Christian Vasquez

Posted on

How did you end up in this career?

The rise of great job opportunities have lead to software being made by people with a wide range of skills and different backgrounds.

So, I would love to read your story of how you ended up in this career?

Top comments (2)

robsoncassiano-software profile image
Robson Cassiano

I was just searching for a profession that I could practice remotely, i.e. without needing to go outside my home(the best place in the world for me).

I learned how to code, then after some years, I became a Software Engineer.

ads-bne profile image

Studied psychology at Uni. Hated it and dropped out.

Instead did a Graphic Design course at a local college just because I thought it would be cool to make logos and designs. It had a web design element to it. Found I was good at it.