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Erin A Olinick for The DEV Team

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Top 7 Featured DEV Posts of the Week

Looking for some mentorship nuggets, tips to spice up your dev game, or a bit of SQL sorcery? Our carefully curated picks from the DEV Community this week are ready to sprinkle a bit of magic on your tech journey.

Plus, we are super pleased to present SIX awesome new faces to the Top 7 author lineup. So find a cozy spot to ease into these fantastic reads, brought to you by!

If you’re considering becoming a mentor or a mentee, this post is well worth your time! @veruu thoughtfully points out how open communication, mutual respect, and realistic expectations lead to a healthier relationship between both mentors and mentees. There’s also advice about how to find a mentor and what to expect from the experience.

With a friendly and honest tone, @buzzpy unravels the art of standing out in the crowd and emphasizes the significance of consistency. Learn the steps to build a strong brand – from defining your personality to participating in communities and reaching out on social media. An enjoyable and insightful guide for coding enthusiasts and introverted developers alike!

From grappling with a poorly-performing submissions table to dissecting the root causes – improper indexing, unnecessary joins, and an ORM hiccup – @navneet7716 navigates through challenges with humor and expertise. Delve into their insightful exploration, discovering how a simple shift from active record pattern to raw SQL catapulted performance to over 23 times its original speed.

In this concise tutorial, @wagenrace demystifies the process with clear commands and a touch of humor, making Git cleanup a breeze. Discover the power of fetching updates, pruning references, and effortlessly decluttering your workspace. Git magic!

Looking to launch a new website? We’ve got you covered on your final usability check with @arjuncodess. Remember to dot your i’s and cross your t’s, minify your files, and optimize your images.

The ultimate endgame is a clean and organized repository, and @ritaly is going to help us all get there. In this detailed tutorial we learn to maximize your organization in Git by using .gitignore and .gitkeep to track empty directories and exclude unnecessary files.

What do you do when someone spams your GitHub repo with 1000+ junk issues? Unfortunately, @ladykerr recently had to contemplate that exact question. Thankfully, with the trusty combination of GitHub Copilot and Actions she was able to whip up an automated solution so no one had to get their hands dirty closing these issues manually.

👋 Thanks for checking out this roundup! We hope you found it enjoyable, picked up a few new tricks, or even got inspired to craft your own Top 7-worthy piece.

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Top comments (6)

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Let's say Hey! to six new Top 7 authors this week: @veruu, @buzzpy, @navneet7716, @wagenrace, @arjuncodess, and @ritaly! A big round of applause to @ladykerr for another stellar contribution. Thank you, all!

grahamthedev profile image

Great work everyone! 💪💗

ladykerr profile image

oh wow, thank you!

buzzpy profile image
Buzzpy 💡

Thank you so much and congrats everyone! 🎉️

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

Thank you soo much everyone!!

syedmaazsaeed profile image
Syed Maaz Saeed
