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Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team

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What was your win this week?

Hey my peeps! 👋

Hope everybody is doing well this Friday! 🥳

Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?

All wins count — big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Enjoying the sunshine 😎

A picture of a fluffy tabby cat sitting in a box as the sunglasses emoji descends from above and lands squarely on the cat's face. A disco ball spins in the top right corner as all of this happens and at the bottom of the pic, the words

Did you know we feature wins in our "Wins of the Week" email every Friday? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter emails to get wins delivered right to your inbox! 💌

Top comments (54)

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

I had a lot of fun making my very first game using C# following this tutorial

Image description

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Loving it! It's looking like Flappy Birds have entered the world of Mario, haha! 🙌

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

oh yea haha thanks @michaeltharrington

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Oh wow, congratulations on making your first game! It looks awesome and fun to play! Well done! ✨

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Thank you @anitaolsen :)

save_hhhhhp profile image
Adam Li

hahaha ,This duck look so cute!Ye~ i also is a game programmer, but for many years.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

📰 I published two posts on DEV! ✨

💟 I received a badge! ✨
DEV Resolutions Quester 2024 badge

🧵 I received a mention in #DEVResolutions2024: Wrapping Up a Month of Wins by The Dev Team! ✨
My mention as an exceptional contributor who went the extra mile, sharing my dreams and motivating the DEV Community

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow! I'm digging the discussion on "How do I Know I am no Longer a Beginner?" ... there's so many positive and helpful comments there. Such a great topic to get folks talking about, Anita. Really appreciate ya sharing that one! 😀

And of course, major congrats on all your wins! 🙌

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

It is truly interesting to see so many different perspectives! 😃

Thank you so much! 😊

bekahhw profile image
BekahHW • Edited

I made my first YouTube short for OpenSauced! You can check out one of the mannnyyyy outtakes here.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Woah, that sounds very cool! Congratulations! ✨

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh nice!! That's awesome, Bekah. What is the "YT" though? All I can think of is YouTube, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. 😀

bekahhw profile image

You were right! I updated it.

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Gotcha! I totally misread "short" as "shirt" yesterday too which tripped me up, haha! 😅

Thanks for sharing the link — this is great! Loving the guidelines for being a good open-source citizen. Also def sympathize with the multiple takes, haha! 😆

Thread Thread
bekahhw profile image

hahaha. My 9yo was like, "Are you doneeeee yetttt?"

purnimashrestha profile image
Purnima Shrestha
  1. finished one project
  2. survived till Friday ✌️
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, heard on the survived til Friday part... I was skiing on a big mountain this past week, so literally just trying to stay alive lol.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Bravo 👏 Well done!

balagmadhu profile image
Bala Madhusoodhanan • Edited

I reached 10k followers… …This platform has been a great place for me to learn and share my insights and opinions on technology, process, and people. I appreciate all the readers and their wonderful feedback and I thank the platform team and moderator for maintaining this platform.......


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Congratulations on your 10k followers! 😀 I am happy you like it here, I love it here! 💗

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woohoo! Major congrats, Bala!

Thanks for sharing the love — the gratefulness is mutual. 💚

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This past week, I went skiing in Telluride, Colorado! ⛷

Here's a pic of me and my wife on a path that kinda wraps around the town.

My wife, Katelyn, and I are standing in an open are with snow covering the ground and snow-covered mountains surrounding us — with glimpses of the orange rock beneath it. It's a beautiful day with blue skies.

And another one of us going up the gondola!

A close-up pic of Katelyn and I as we're sitting in the gondola heading up the mountain. We're wearing our ski gear and helmets. In the window behind us, you can see the mountains and town of Telluride.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Aw, lovely to see you and your wife, Michael! 💞 I have not heart about Telluride before but I have heard about Colorado! It always makes me happy to see a happy couple 😊

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Awesome ⛷️

integerman profile image
Matt Eland
  • My AI prototyping project last week was officially promoted to a real project.
  • I got my new laptop, my first time using Linux as a daily system
  • I recorded 7 clips for my AI Vision course for LinkedIn Learning
jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

I picked up on a dormant side project. Solved one of the problems I had last Time I worked on it. Now to decide what else do I want todo.

Got the DEV resolutions Badge,

storm-of-fists profile image

good feeling to come back to something and solve the holdup from before.

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Implement compatibility TursoHTTP SQLite (PHP SDK) with Master and Slave Replicate.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Finally made a "perfect" converter to transform HTML into Markdown 😊

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

After 18 months of hard graft, building a team from scratch and starting a brand new architecture to meet client needs, we released SFG20 Facilities-iQ this week.

In the UK, SFG20 represents the industry standard for maintaining buildings to reduce risks, prevent injury and death as well as increased energy efficiency and lowered maintenance costs. The standard itself began 30 years ago and evolves every month as law and best practice change.

We all live and work in buildings, often many of those are owned by someone else. After the Grenfell Tower disaster (the London tower block fire that claimed more than 70 lives), British law was updated to increase the onus on building owners and managers to properly maintain assets to ensure safety. This is a nightmare for many as they often outsource the work and are not on top of the details of what is being planned and what is being executed. Providers of services struggle to differentiate the work that they are doing from their competitors - resulting in a race to the bottom. No more...

Facilities-iQ represents a step change in how SFG20 can be applied, a modern platform to plan maintenance and track its performance. A system that can tailor SFG20 to the exact requirements of a facility.

I've personally built a lot of this product, I was delighted to have a chance at this stage in my career to innovate something generally good for the world and not another corporate tool or social gimmick.

I'm immensely proud of the work my team and I have done, creating an amazing scalable, loosely coupled architecture at both the front and back ends. It's enabled us to move very fast indeed.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow, Mike!! Major congrats to you and your team on all of this. 🙌

I appreciate the way you summed up some of the specialist knowledge around SFG20 that you need to know about to work on all this. It sounds like through the creation of this app, you have learned so dang much about the standards and regulations for buildings in the UK.

I actually lived in an old cottage in a wee village called Carlops in Scotland for a good 4 years while my wife was studying to be a veterinarian in Edinburgh. Something that I appreciated while living over there was the renovation of all these old buildings, but I imagine it can be quite a challenge. It's cool to learn a little bit about how this all works!

Just to say, I can totally see the value in what you all have created here and y'all should be super proud. Hope ya enjoy your weekend and celebrate your achievements! 😀

mrlinxed profile image
Mr. Linxed

Continued learning Java, the goal is to make fun little games. Not for profit, just a hobby. 🕹️

And I also began working on a small basic template. So I can finally have a website. 😅

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*°•.☆

Awesome, you are super productive! You can do it! ✨ I hope to see your games and website soon!

carlarjenkins profile image
Carlarjenkins • Edited

This week's wins are:
-Getting an IT job interview

  • Starting my spring 2024 courses
lukeskw profile image
Lucas Porfirio

Wrote 2 articles here, and survived the week 😂

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, surviving is always good stuff. 😆 But also, congrats on the articles, Lucas... posting 2 in a week ain't easy!

lucaschitolina profile image
Lucas Chitolina • Edited