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Cover image for The most convenient markdown editor opened in a new browser tab
Jakub Mikita
Jakub Mikita

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The most convenient markdown editor opened in a new browser tab

If you're like myself, who prefers to type on a keyboard rather than writing on paper, you probably know that having another opened app is a hassle. Either you need to keep the window open or wait until it boots again.

It was so annoying that I decided to build my own product, And my team executed it flawlessly, starting with the branding and ending with the implementation.

MadNotes solves the issue above. It provides a place for your brain dump. Nowadays, we do most of our work in the browser. That was the perfect place to put the notepad. But not another web app that's 2137th tab you need to search for! No, no. It opens in each new tab and acts like a homepage. Done writing? Just close it. Need to add one more thing? Open a new tab, it's not loading anything from a remote location, so it doesn't slow down your browser. It's just there. I'm personally using it for the daily to-do list and meeting notes.

Lately, we released an initial version - Chrome, Firefox, Edge extensions, and a standalone web app. Now we're working on the PRO version that will allow syncing the notes across multiple devices, provide the light theme, and a few more customization options. Did I mention the full End2End encryption? Yeah, that's by default.

Let me know what you think about the app! I'm very open to hearing your thoughts and feature requests. Thanks! πŸ™Œ

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