DEV Community

Jess Lee
Jess Lee Subscriber

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What fonts do you use in your editor(s)?

Top comments (124)

andreanidouglas profile image
Douglas R Andreani

Most Fira Sans on GUI elements and Roboto for the editor itself.

ethan profile image
Ethan Stewart

I use FiraCode, mostly for the ligatures but I do also like the look of the font.

ckempo profile image

Me too! Discovering ligatures has made me shun fonts without support for them now. Used Hack, Inconsolata, Source Code Pro and Consolas before but it's Fira Code everywhere now.

alexdreptu profile image
Alexandru Dreptu

I prefer the Source Code Pro look. There's a version of it with ligatures called Hasklig, which I use right now in VSCode and it's rendered super great.

Thread Thread
yoavrheims profile image

Hasklig is awesome with VS indeed! Thanks for sharing it.

tiffengineer profile image

Nvm. Guy answered below.

tiffengineer profile image

Why would you want ligatures in your editor font? Seems hard to read to me. Can you give examples of what you mean?

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ckempo profile image
bhaskar_vk profile image
Bhaskar Karambelkar

Ditto. ligatures FTW!

ackvf profile image
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko

FiraCode ligatures are the way to go! :)

danlebrero profile image
Dan Lebrero

I concur!

josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez • Edited

Hell yes, FiraCode. I use it in VS 2017 and VS Code. First thing I install in a brand new environment.

Once you go FiraCode, you don't go back or something.

haugan profile image
Marius Riis Haugan

Ooh, never seen FireCode before but it looks really good - excited to try it in VS 2017 tomorrow!

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

Caveat: I've not tried it, but question: why would you want ligatures in a mono-spaced font? I'm assuming it's mono-spaced? (Not intended as any sort of knock on your choice, I'm just truly curious.)

cwreacejr profile image
Charles Reace

Answering my own question: I see that you are (probably) referring to the "ligatures" for various symbol character combinations -- not the traditional typographic ligatures for sequences such as "fi" or "tt". (I worked at a typesetting company many years ago. :-) )

jwalzak profile image
Jason Walzak

I never heard of ligatures before. They look rad. I'm going to give them a try.

I've been using Monaco as my font otherwise.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I use Monaco in the terminal and the Atom default in Atom.

One time I accidentally deleted the font I was using for my terminal and the terminal became non-monospace (impossible to work with), so I hastily switched to the first monospace font I could find. That font was Comic Sans and I let it stay as my terminal font for way too long.


maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Wait, is there a monospace version of Comic Sans?

That's pure evil, Ben.

mubashariqbal profile image
Mubashar Iqbal

After a long time with Monaco, I've been trying a few fonts with programming ligatures, currently testing out:

Perhaps one day I'll pay the $200 for:

eljayadobe profile image

Another programmer font list, with 100+ fonts: Best Programming Fonts. Doesn't have an interactive display of the fonts, but has an extensive list, and provides some pro/con bullet points on each font, and a link for getting the font.

eljayadobe profile image

I use Fira Code as well. I also like Input, which is a proportional font designed for programming (supported in IDEs such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode).

Font Playground lists a lot of popular fonts for programming. Didn't list Fira Code, Consolas, nor Input though.

necmettin profile image
Necmettin Begiter

Try PT Mono (macos). Not as good as Operator, but a very good and free alternative.

elisarver profile image
Eli Sarver

A co-worker used this font. It was super nice to look at, and the ‘fancy’ comments are easier on the eyes.

eljayadobe profile image

A bunch more programming suitable fonts (50+ fonts) and a nice browser comparison at Programming Fonts. Each font has a link to where to get it.

jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins
tqwhite profile image
TQ White II

I use Source Sans. I started with Source Code but it doesn't read as easily (kerning was invented for a reason) and it turns out that I never actually benefited from the monospace so I switched.

Both versions though are attractive, easy to read fonts. I try new ones when I see them and always go back.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

I am a very happy Source Code Pro user too :)

lovis profile image

I use Haskling, it's basically SCP but with ligatures ✔

jesseditson profile image
Jesse Ditson • Edited

Some favorites are Inconsolata and fira code.

Here's a gallery of pretty much every free use code font for your browsing and downloading pleasure:

mrolaolu profile image
Olaolu. Olawuyi 👓 • Edited


FiraCode and Operator Mono with this cool theme
I used Source Code Pro and Ubuntu Mono long time ago.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

I use Comics Sans, just for the look on people's faces when they realise.

More seriously, I use Comic Neue, which isn't an ideal font for coding in some languages because it lacks a glyph for "`", which is rather useful in Markdown, and some variants of Bourne Shell and Python. I switched, though, to using a proportional font years ago and never looked back. Comic Neue, unlike it's Sans cousin, is a reasonably well designed sans font.

I've looked at Fira Code, and besides the fixed-font thing, the ligatures on operators give me the wibbles. Ligatures on variable names, though, wouldn't worry me at all.

Proportional fonts are great. The textual parts of the language compress visually much better - this also allows the developer to use more width for identifiers. It's much faster to read, too, and you're less likely to misread identifiers as well. The resultant code tends to have better-named identifiers, too, I find, and the comments... Well, there's absolutely no comparison between reading a block of text in monospace and a block in proportional font.

The only problem comes when some project I'm working on has an arbitrary line length in characters. I can never get along with those, since with a proportional font they're impossible to judge and largely irrelevant anyway.

danieljsummers profile image
Daniel J. Summers

I've made a progression among three that have been named here

Source Code Pro - I love this font.

Fira Code - Ligatures FTW!

Hasklig - This is a fork of Source Code Pro that also does ligatures - the best of both worlds!

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I use "Bitstearm Vera Serif".

Yes, it's a proportionally spaced font, and yes it has serifs. I have to look at code all day, might as well be a pretty font.

Unfortuantely my console is still stuck in the ugly monospaced land. There I use DejaVu Sans Mono. I'm still waiting for a good Unicode console that can deal with proportional fonts and varying font sizes.