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What screen resolution do you have?

I remember my first laptop was 1366x768 and it was quite a pain to code and do anything productive on it.

Currently, I have a 1920x1080 laptop for over two years and it's been easier to fit multiple apps on the screen and be more productive overall.

Still, there is room for improvement, as I'm thinking about multiple monitor setup in the future. Also, I'm not really into ultra-wides.

What screen resolution do you have?

Top comments (23)

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I'm in the fortunate position to have 2 screens, and only be limited by what my machine can output. I have:

  • 1x 17" 1920x1080 screen (laptop built in)
  • 1x 24" 1920x1080 monitor
  • 1x 27" 2560x1440 monitors (my newest one)

I used to have 2x 24" monitors, but one died, so I upgraded. I thought about going 4k, but either everything would be really small, or I'd have to enable scaling. With the 2560x1440, I don't have either issue, but have more screen space.

madza profile image

I love 17" laptops as well ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I think next time I'll be going for a 15.6" one. The 17" one is my main work one which is a nightmare to move around. My spare work one is a 13.3" one, and that's tiny. Not really usable day-to-day for me.

My personal one is a 14" one, which is a nice size, it's just limited in spec. I wasn't anticipating trying to do any major system development on it when I bought it, so just got it with 8GB RAM. It regularly grinds to a halt, and that's running Ubuntu. I can't blame Windows for that one.

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madza profile image

Yup for portability it's not that great ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you are on the move some even grab 13'' and then connect to the proper monitor.

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_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

If I had a better spec on my personal device, even at 14" I'd probably use it for work just because it looks and feels nicer (and doesn't have Windows). I prefer the 14" one to the 13.3" one, even though there's not a lot of difference in it. It just seems more usable for me.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

On my main PC I have two monitors, one 22" @ 1920x1080 and one 24" @ 1920x1200. I use the bigger one for code and the smaller one for a browser. I don't use workspaces/virtual desktops on it.
I also have a 14" laptop @ 1280x800 where I do sometimes use workspaces, and a 15" MBP @ whateverresolutionappleuseswhoknowsicertainlydontandidontthinkyoucantell x somerandomnumberprobablywithacatchynamelikeretinafoureyesorsomething.
The Mac's useful if I'm sitting watching something in bed, and it's clear enough to read from a metre or so away but I have it sitting off to the side in favour of the external monitors.

madza profile image

Have you ever felt the need for 3rd one, like for the terminal or smth? Or having 2 is more than enough for you? ๐Ÿ‘€

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Well I have the two laptops set up so I can control them with barrier from the same keyboard and mouse I use for the main PC. I have a chat window one one and stuff that needs my work VPN (which is only on the Mac) on the Mac. Fortunately this is mostly just manually launching Jenkins jobs and stuff like that.

When I say "I use the bigger one for code"... I code in the terminal, so yes I have a monitor which is dedicated to that already :)

jenbutondevto profile image

I have a 4k display. Usually it is enough that I keep my laptop closed, although recently I've liked having my 13" MBP open so I can use touchID (I don't really have any windows open on it though, maybe slack?). I also have a 2560x1440 display which I like to use if I'm working with a design, this one I use for my gaming pc mainly.

jorgevazquezs profile image
Jorge Vรกzquez


madza profile image

That's pretty rad ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

jorgevazquezs profile image
Jorge Vรกzquez

It's a pleasure to code in an Ultrawide screen. Mine is 49" from Dell equivalent to two 27".

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madza profile image
Madza • Edited

For me, I feel like their best use is gaming (personal opinion). ๐Ÿ•น
For coding, you have to be good at using window management tools and get used to that workflow. If you are efficient in that, they are awesome ๐Ÿ’ฏ

ferceg profile image

On PC I started on Hercules (about 720x350) :)
Now I use 2xHD monitors + laptop screen for email/messaging.

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Wow, imagine working on like some really long React forms on 720x350 (if you are in JS ecosystem) ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

ferceg profile image
ferceg • Edited

Real heroes used Turbo Pascal/Turbo C on 80x25 text screens :)
(And those IDEs had a lot of the funcionalities that today's IDEs have: debugging, watches, etc)

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

2560 x 1600

kcubeterm profile image
Krishna Kanhaiya

And here me, A small size of android+physical keyboard + termux and cloudshell is enough. ๐Ÿ™„

madza profile image

Sometimes what matters is not the tech but what you can do with it ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธโœจ

andruhovski profile image
Andriy Andruhovski

32'' with 4K on desktop and 15'' with 1920x1080 on notebook. Also I use an old netbook with 1024x768 for some presentations.

louislow profile image
Louis Low

I bought an LG 54 ultrawide monitor last year July 2020. It has 5400 x 1080px, that is the biggest screen resolution I ever had in my life.

serpent7776 profile image

1440x900 on a desktop

karnak19 profile image

3440x1440 (34") + 1920x1080 (24") at home, and 2560x1600 on the go (14")