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Abhishek Jaiswal
Abhishek Jaiswal

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Low-Level Design (LLD) of a Ride-Sharing Application

A ride-sharing application, like Uber or Lyft, involves complex systems and processes that seamlessly connect riders with drivers. In this blog, we’ll explore the Low-Level Design (LLD) of a ride-sharing application to understand the components, interactions, and design principles that power such platforms.

Requirements Overview

Functional Requirements:

  1. User Registration and Login: Riders and drivers must be able to register and log in.
  2. Ride Booking: Riders should be able to book a ride by specifying a pickup and drop-off location.
  3. Driver Matching: The system should assign the nearest available driver to the rider.
  4. Real-Time Tracking: Riders should be able to track the driver’s location in real-time.
  5. Payment System: Riders can pay for their ride using different methods.
  6. Rating and Reviews: Riders and drivers should be able to rate and review each other.

Non-Functional Requirements:

  1. Scalability: The system should handle a large number of users concurrently.
  2. Reliability: Ensure accurate bookings and payments.
  3. Low Latency: Real-time updates should be fast and seamless.
  4. Fault Tolerance: Handle system crashes gracefully.

Key Components and Their Responsibilities

1. User Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • User registration and authentication.
    • Maintain user profiles (Riders and Drivers).
  • Key Entities:
    • User: Contains details like user ID, name, email, phone, type (rider/driver), etc.
    • Driver Details: Vehicle information, license, availability status.

2. Ride Management Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Allow riders to book rides.
    • Maintain the lifecycle of a ride (requested, accepted, completed).
    • Track ride statuses.
  • Key Entities:
    • Ride: Contains ride ID, rider ID, driver ID, pickup and drop-off locations, status, fare, etc.

3. Driver Matching Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Identify the nearest available driver using geolocation data.
    • Assign the driver to the rider.
  • Key Algorithms:
    • Haversine Formula: Calculate the distance between two locations using latitude and longitude.
    • Priority Queue: To maintain the nearest available drivers sorted by distance.

4. Real-Time Location Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Track the real-time location of drivers.
    • Share the driver’s location with the rider during the ride.
  • Key Entities:
    • Location: Contains driver ID, latitude, longitude, timestamp.
  • Technology:
    • WebSocket or MQTT for real-time updates.

5. Payment Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Calculate ride fare based on distance and time.
    • Process payments through various methods (credit card, wallet, etc.).
    • Handle refunds and cancellations.
  • Key Entities:
    • Payment: Contains payment ID, ride ID, amount, status (success/failed).
  • Key Features:
    • Integration with payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal).

6. Rating and Review Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Allow riders and drivers to rate and review each other.
    • Store ratings and feedback.
  • Key Entities:
    • Rating: Contains ride ID, user ID, driver ID, score, comments.

7. Notification Service

  • Responsibilities:
    • Send notifications to riders and drivers (e.g., ride requests, status updates).
  • Technology:
    • Push notifications (Firebase Cloud Messaging or Apple Push Notification Service).
    • SMS and email integration.

Database Design

Tables and Relationships:

  1. User Table:

    • user_id (Primary Key)
    • name, email, phone, type (rider/driver), etc.
  2. Driver Details Table:

    • driver_id (Foreign Key referencing User)
    • vehicle_info, license_number, availability_status.
  3. Ride Table:

    • ride_id (Primary Key)
    • rider_id (Foreign Key referencing User)
    • driver_id (Foreign Key referencing User)
    • pickup_location, dropoff_location, fare, status.
  4. Location Table:

    • location_id (Primary Key)
    • driver_id (Foreign Key referencing User)
    • latitude, longitude, timestamp.
  5. Payment Table:

    • payment_id (Primary Key)
    • ride_id (Foreign Key referencing Ride)
    • amount, payment_method, status.
  6. Rating Table:

    • rating_id (Primary Key)
    • ride_id (Foreign Key referencing Ride)
    • user_id, score, comments.

Sequence Diagram: Booking a Ride


  1. Rider requests a ride by entering pickup and drop-off locations.
  2. The Ride Management Service creates a ride request.
  3. The Driver Matching Service identifies the nearest available driver and sends the request.
  4. The driver accepts or rejects the ride.
  5. Upon acceptance, the rider receives confirmation and real-time tracking begins.
  6. Once the ride is completed, the Payment Service processes the fare.
  7. Both the rider and driver can rate and review the experience.

Class Diagram

Key Classes:

  • User: Attributes include user_id, name, email, phone, type (Rider/Driver).
  • Ride: Attributes include ride_id, rider, driver, pickup_location, dropoff_location, fare, status.
  • Driver: Extends User, with additional attributes like vehicle_info, license_number.
  • Payment: Attributes include payment_id, ride, amount, payment_method, status.
  • Location: Attributes include driver, latitude, longitude, timestamp.
  • Rating: Attributes include ride, user, score, comments.

Technological Stack


  • Node.js with Express.js for building APIs.


  • React.js for a seamless user experience.


  • MySQL or PostgreSQL for structured data storage.
  • Redis for caching driver locations.

Real-Time Communication:

  • WebSockets or Firebase for location updates.

Payment Gateway:

  • Integration with Stripe, PayPal, or similar services.

Challenges and Solutions

  1. Scalability:

    • Use a microservices architecture to scale individual components independently.
  2. Real-Time Updates:

    • Use WebSockets or MQTT to reduce latency for live tracking.
  3. Driver Availability:

    • Implement a queue system to manage driver requests effectively.
  4. System Fault Tolerance:

    • Ensure retries and fallback mechanisms for critical operations (e.g., payment processing).

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