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Arik Subscriber

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Inventing Blockchain: The tale of a frustrated programmer

Satoshi leaned back in his chair, staring at the blinking cursor on his laptop screen. His mother needed money—urgently. She lived halfway across the world, and her refrigerator had just kicked the bucket, spilling melted ice cream and spoiled milk onto the floor. "Just send me what you can, Satoshi," she’d said, her voice tight with worry. "I’ll figure it out."

That was two days ago.

Satoshi had done everything right—or so he thought. He’d logged into his bank account, initiated a transfer, and paid the exorbitant international fee without complaint. But the process wasn’t instant, not by a long shot. The bank had warned him it could take up to three business days to complete the transfer.

He clenched his fists. Three days? What century was this? He could send an email to his mom in seconds. He could video call her instantly. But money? Money still crawled across borders like a letter in the mail.

He’d even called customer service, hoping to speed things up. After navigating a labyrinth of hold music and robotic prompts, a weary-sounding representative informed him there was nothing to be done. "International transfers take time," she said flatly, as though the laws of physics themselves dictated it.

Satoshi grumbled to himself as he closed his laptop. His mother was stuck waiting, and there was nothing he could do to help. It wasn’t just frustrating—it felt wrong. It felt unnecessary. "Why does it have to be this way?" he muttered.

The problem with trust

That night, Satoshi couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew the transfer delay wasn’t about physics or technology—it was about trust. His bank didn’t trust his mom’s bank. They relied on intermediaries, networks, and clearinghouses to vouch for each other. Every step of the process was a chain of people and institutions verifying the transaction. Each one took their cut, added their delay.

Trust. The word hung heavy in Satoshi’s mind. Banks existed because people couldn’t trust each other directly with their money. But what if there was a way to eliminate the middleman? What if you could create a system where people could transact directly, without relying on trust at all?

He scribbled the idea down in his notebook: "How to replace trust with math?"

The first idea: a centralized transparent ledger

By morning, Satoshi had a plan. If trust was the problem, transparency was the solution. What if there was a single, public ledger where anyone could log in and see every transaction? If the ledger was open for all to verify, no one could cheat.

It didn’t take long for Satoshi to set up a basic website. He registered a domain, spun up a small server, and wrote the backend code. Transactions were stored in a simple database. The frontend was barebones but functional: a webpage where anyone could view the full list of transactions.

let ledger = [];

// Add a transaction to the ledger"/add_transaction", (req, res) => {
  const transaction = req.body;
  res.json({ status: "success", transaction });

// View the entire ledger
app.get("/view_ledger", (req, res) => {
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When a transaction was added, it would appear instantly on the public ledger. Satoshi imagined this would remove any suspicion or dishonesty. "If everyone can see everything," he thought, "then no one can cheat."

He showed the prototype to his long time friend Taylor, who nodded appreciatively. “Okay, this is cool. But doesn’t this just make you the middleman?” she asked.

Satoshi frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” Taylor said, gesturing at the screen, “you’re running the server, right? You’re the one people have to trust now.”

The realization

Taylor’s words hung in the air. She was right. Satoshi’s transparent ledger was just a centralized system pretending to be trustless. Sure, anyone could view the transactions—but what if he decided to delete some? Or worse, alter them?

Satoshi tried to argue with himself. "I wouldn’t do that," he muttered, pacing around the room. But the truth was unavoidable: the system was only as trustworthy as its operator. And that operator was him.

“This isn’t the solution,” he said, slumping into his chair. “It’s just… another bank.”

Decentralization and the struggle for trust

Satoshi stared at his notebook, his frustration boiling over. The question gnawed at him: How do I get rid of myself?. His centralized ledger had replaced one middleman with another—himself. If he wanted to create a truly trustless system, he’d have to eliminate his role entirely.

But how?

The question haunted him. He couldn’t sleep that night, his mind cycling through possibilities. By morning, the answer came to him: make the ledger decentralized.

The next idea: A decentralized ledger

What if, instead of one server maintaining the ledger, everyone kept their own copy? Transactions would be broadcast to the entire network, and each participant would update their ledger independently. That way, no single person or entity would be in control.

Satoshi excitedly sketched out the architecture. He imagined a network of peers, each running a lightweight program. Transactions would propagate through the network, and every participant would maintain their own version of the truth.

Within hours, he was coding again, this time building a peer-to-peer prototype.

const net = require("net");

let ledger = [];

// Peer-to-peer server
const server = net.createServer((socket) => {
  socket.on("data", (data) => {
    const transaction = JSON.parse(data.toString());
    console.log("Transaction added:", transaction);

server.listen(5000, () => {
  console.log("Peer listening on port 5000");

// Broadcast a transaction
function broadcastTransaction(transaction, peers) {
  peers.forEach((peer) => {
    const client = net.createConnection(peer.port,, () => {
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He tested the system with Taylor, connecting their laptops over the network. Transactions flowed between their programs, and both of their ledgers updated in sync. It was a breakthrough.

Or so it seemed.

The trust problem: forks and fraud

Taylor, ever the skeptic, spotted the issue almost immediately. “Okay, so I send a transaction to you, and your ledger updates. But what happens if someone else sends me a conflicting transaction? Like if I spend the same $10 twice?”

Satoshi frowned. “Well… everyone will see both transactions, and they’ll just figure out which one is valid.”

Taylor raised an eyebrow. “How? What if different people update their ledgers in different orders? You could end up with two different versions of the truth.”

Satoshi’s stomach sank. She was right. Without a way to enforce a single, agreed-upon history, the network could split into forks. Different participants might believe in different versions of the ledger. Worse, malicious actors could exploit the system, flooding it with fake transactions to confuse the network.

He felt like he was back at square one. Decentralization had solved the problem of relying on a single middleman, but it had introduced a new issue: how do you get a group of untrustworthy participants to agree?

The spark of consensus

Satoshi knew he needed a way for the network to converge on a single version of the ledger. He spent days researching distributed systems, reading about Byzantine fault tolerance and quorum protocols. The solutions were complex, often relying on trusted leaders or voting systems. But trust was exactly what he wanted to eliminate.

The breakthrough came while reading an obscure article on cryptographic proofs. It described something called proof of work, a technique originally used to deter email spam. The idea was simple but powerful: participants would perform a computationally expensive task to prove their commitment.

Satoshi’s mind raced. What if transactions required proof of work? Instead of trusting votes or leaders, the network would trust the work itself.

Implementing Proof of Work

The proof-of-work concept transformed Satoshi’s approach. Each participant in the network would compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle. The first to solve it would broadcast their solution, along with the new transactions, to the rest of the network. If the solution was valid -- which would be easy to verify -- everyone would add the new transactions to their ledger.

He modified his code, implementing a simple proof-of-work algorithm. The puzzle was to find a number (a “nonce”) that, when combined with the transaction data and hashed, produced a hash starting with a specific number of zeros.

const crypto = require("crypto");

const difficulty = 4;

function proofOfWork(transaction) {
  let nonce = 0;
  let hash = "";
  do {
    hash = crypto
      .update(JSON.stringify(transaction) + nonce)
  } while (!hash.startsWith("0".repeat(difficulty)));
  return { nonce, hash };
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Testing the system

Taylor was impressed. “So, whoever solves the puzzle first gets to decide the next block of transactions?”

“Exactly,” Satoshi said, smiling for the first time in days. “The puzzle is so hard to solve that no one can fake it. But once it’s solved, it’s easy for everyone else to verify.”

They tested the system together, running separate instances of the program. The proof-of-work algorithm worked beautifully, ensuring that only one version of the ledger could advance at a time.

Inventing blockchain: the new problems

For a fleeting moment, Satoshi felt like he had solved it. Proof of work seemed like the perfect solution. The puzzle was hard enough to prevent fraud, yet easy to verify once solved. Transactions flowed through the network, and everyone agreed on the ledger.

But then the cracks began to show.

The energy Problem

Taylor’s laptop hummed loudly, its fan spinning at full speed. “Is this supposed to be happening?” she asked, pointing at the temperature warning on her screen.

Satoshi winced. He hadn’t thought much about the cost of computation. Proof of work relied on brute force, trying billions of combinations until it found the right one. As the difficulty increased, so did the energy required.

“You’re burning through electricity just to process one transaction,” Taylor said, raising an eyebrow. “Imagine if thousands of people were doing this at the same time. The whole network would become a furnace.”

Satoshi nodded grimly. He had optimized the code as much as possible, but proof of work was inherently resource-intensive. It was a price he hadn’t anticipated. “Maybe it’s worth it if it means we don’t need a middleman,” he said weakly.

Taylor didn’t look convinced.

The monopoly problem

Over the next few days, Satoshi expanded his tests to include more participants. At first, everything went smoothly. Friends joined the network, solving puzzles and adding transactions to their ledgers. But soon, another problem emerged: not everyone was solving puzzles at the same rate.

Participants with faster computers—or, worse, specialized hardware—were completing proofs of work faster than everyone else. They dominated the network, consistently broadcasting their solutions first and claiming control over the ledger.

“It’s just like the banks,” Taylor said, shaking her head. “The people with the most resources get to call the shots. It’s centralized all over again—just in a different way.”

Satoshi felt the weight of her words. He had replaced trust in institutions with trust in computation, but the result was the same: inequality. The rich got richer, and the small players were pushed aside.

The incentive problem

Even without the monopoly issue, Satoshi saw another flaw: why would anyone bother solving puzzles in the first place? Proof of work was costly. The energy required wasn’t free, and participants gained nothing tangible from their efforts.

Taylor pointed this out during another late-night discussion. “If it costs so much to solve these puzzles, why would anyone do it? What’s in it for them?”

Satoshi had no answer. He realized that without an incentive, the entire system would grind to a halt. Participants needed a reason to spend their resources cracking puzzles—something more compelling than altruism or ideology.

It was a sobering realization. His system wasn’t sustainable. If he wanted it to work in the real world, he needed to introduce an economic element.

The birth of The Block

Satoshi leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The network needed a better structure, one that tied everything together. His eyes wandered to the ever-growing list of transactions on his screen. That’s when it hit him.

“Why are we solving puzzles for individual transactions?” he muttered. “Why not group them?”

If the system could bundle multiple transactions together into a single “block,” proof of work would only need to be done once for an entire group of transactions. This would immediately reduce the energy overhead—each puzzle would secure dozens or even hundreds of transactions, instead of just one.

He sketched it out in his notebook. Each block would contain:

  • A list of transactions.
  • A reference to the previous block’s proof (to chain them together).
  • A proof of work for the current block.

The result would be a chain of blocks—each securely linked to the one before it. Changing any block would invalidate the entire chain, making tampering nearly impossible. “It’s not just a ledger anymore,” he thought. “It’s… a blockchain.”

But blocks didn’t just solve the energy problem—they opened the door to a solution for another pressing issue: incentives. If participants competed to solve a block’s proof of work, the first to succeed could be rewarded for their effort. That reward could take the form of a new, native digital currency—coins created by the network itself.

He scribbled furiously in his notebook: “Reward miners with cryptocurrency for creating new blocks.”

The coins would serve as payment for the work miners did to secure the network, and they would have value because they were scarce and useful. Within the blockchain network, these coins could act as a medium of exchange, allowing participants to transact directly with one another for good and services.

To prevent abuse, the reward system must ensure that:

  • The reward is only issued when the block is mined and validated by the network.
  • All participants independently verify the reward transaction as part of the validation process.

Mitigating monopolization

The introduction of blocks didn’t just make the blockchain more efficient; it also helped reduce the risk of monopolization. Satoshi realized that smaller miners, unable to compete with powerful setups on their own, could band together by pooling their resources. In a mining pool, participants combined their computational power to increase their chances of solving a block’s proof-of-work puzzle. When the pool successfully mined a block, the reward was distributed proportionally among the contributors. Pooling allowed smaller miners to stay relevant in the network, ensuring they had a fair chance to earn rewards despite their limited hardware.

At the same time, the architecture of the blockchain made monopolization through fraud prohibitively difficult. Because each block was cryptographically linked to the one before it, tampering with a single block wasn’t enough to rewrite history. Changing even one transaction in an old block would invalidate its hash and all subsequent blocks in the chain. An attacker would need to remine the altered block and every block after it. The computational cost of such an attack grew exponentially with the number of blocks in the chain, making the system effectively tamper-proof.

Implementing the Blockchain

Satoshi started by implementing the blockchain itself. Each block would store a set of transactions, a proof of work, and a reference to the previous block. This reference linked the blocks together, creating a chain. If someone tried to alter an earlier block, it would invalidate the entire chain because the cryptographic link would break.

The first block, known as the “genesis block,” had no predecessor and was hardcoded into the system. Every subsequent block was mined by solving a proof-of-work puzzle, and its reference to the previous block’s proof ensured that the chain remained immutable.

const crypto = require("crypto");

let blockchain = [];
const rewardAmount = 50;

// Create the genesis block
function createGenesisBlock() {
  return {
    index: 0,
    transactions: [],
    proof: "0",
    previousHash: "0",

// Calculate the hash of a block
function calculateHash(block) {
  return crypto
    .update(JSON.stringify(block.transactions) + block.nonce + block.previousHash)

// Create a new block
function createBlock(transactions, previousHash, difficulty) {
  let nonce = 0;
  let hash = "";
  const rewardTransaction = { from: "Network", to: "Miner", amount: rewardAmount };

  // Add the reward transaction to the transactions list
  const blockTransactions = [...transactions, rewardTransaction];

  do {
    hash = crypto
      .update(JSON.stringify(blockTransactions) + nonce + previousHash)
  } while (!hash.startsWith("0".repeat(difficulty)));

  return {
    index: blockchain.length,
    transactions: blockTransactions,
    proof: hash,

// Validate a block
function validateBlock(block, previousBlock, difficulty) {
  if (block.previousHash !== previousBlock.proof) {
    return false; // Invalid link to previous block
  const hash = calculateHash(block);
  if (!hash.startsWith("0".repeat(difficulty))) {
    return false; // Proof of work is invalid
  if (block.transactions[block.transactions.length - 1].amount !== rewardAmount) {
    return false; // Invalid reward transaction
  return true;

// Initialize the blockchain with the genesis block
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Testing the Blockchain

Satoshi leaned back in his chair, watching the blockchain grow. Each block carried its own proof of work, a list of transactions, and the miner’s reward. But as Taylor reviewed the system, she raised a concern.

“Wait,” she said, scrolling through the blockchain logs. “What’s stopping me from just giving myself a million coins in the reward transaction?”

Satoshi smirked. “Go ahead. Try.”

Taylor modified the code to include a reward of one million coins instead of the standard fifty. She mined a block and added it to her local chain. At first glance, the block looked valid—her version of the blockchain updated, and the oversized reward transaction showed up.

But when Taylor’s chain attempted to sync with the network, the other nodes rejected her block. “Invalid block,” the logs reported. Taylor frowned. “Why didn’t it work?”

Satoshi explained. “The reward transaction is just like any other transaction—it’s validated by the entire network. If the reward doesn’t follow the rules, the block is rejected. You can mine all the blocks you want, but no one else will accept them unless they’re valid.”

She nodded, impressed. “So the network enforces fairness?”

“Exactly,” Satoshi said. “No one—not even the miner—can cheat the system.”

A Vision for the future

As the weeks turned into months, Satoshi refined the system, documenting the protocol in meticulous detail. He imagined a world where people could transact directly, where intermediaries weren’t needed to enforce trust. Where governments, corporations, and even individuals could build applications on top of the blockchain to empower people.

It wasn’t just about money. The blockchain could track ownership, verify identities, manage contracts, and create entirely new forms of cooperation. Satoshi saw the possibilities stretching out before him, and for the first time in years, he felt hopeful about the world he lived in.

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